Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



found my phone. sittin' in the back seat of josiah's car, good deal. had two messages, one of my friend calling my phone in front of me front his house telling me (through my phone) that i'm a fuckin' retard. and another one from tammy, this girl who was chillin' with us who i drunk dialed and was trying to get to come to the next bar we went to...my phone hung up on her randomly, like it usually does, and she was calling back to make sure i didn't think she hung up on me.

...i don't remember calling her. hope i didn't say anything dumb (although the chances are likely, heh).

surf's up a small bit this week. good thing i'm not playing ultimate. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be cocaptaining a team with ariel. we're gonna try and get the youngest, fastest team out there and try to just run the other teams into the ground. hopefully what we lack in experience we can make up for with brute speed and endurance. he and i are already two of the faster ones on the field and we play together on teams a lot so i have a good feeling about it :) should be fun in the least. maybe we can have drinking practices...

went to bad last night with a smile on my face because i didn't have to set my alarm :) of course, this was past 4am...had a great sunday. was at the park beach all day celebrating a dual birthday (ultimate crew) met some random people at a bar, went to a lebowski/white russian's party (what is it with ultimate players and lebowski?), then met up with my OTHER group of friends at reign, this shitty nightclub. good to see them, though. looong day/night...with 10 hours of sleep afterwards :) methinks i'll need to drink myself to sleep tonight. bought a bottle of jameson last week for that reaosn.

one fell swoop


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