it's so weird not havin' the neormous chunk of 'holiday' for the holiday seasons. i mean...shit...this is the first time i have to do ANYTHING between christmas and new year's. *sigh*. i wonder how many people will be at work next week (my last week at this company, mind you). aaaand my sister's home, too and i can't hang out with her 'cept weekends and nighttime. ehh, i guess this is what i get for signing on to such an odd job.
christmas was nice, though :) despite the fact that it was the first christmas without my dad...and i think maybe the first without my brother, too. glad vanessa got home. my cousin got stuck in LA yesterday and missed the christmas party, he was bummed. it was a good party. i made grand cosmopolitans for the women...and fletcher (cousin), haha. he likes girly drinks *shrugs*. and i almost got my grandma drunk, but i blame my mom and sister for that one. she tasted it and she really liked it...then in a few minutes she's just laaaaauuuughing and goes "oh! there's something in my head!" lol. she's the sweetest thing on earth.
heh, and everyone wanted to see raimi ;) my uncle's been lookin' to get a "toy" lately...almost got a restored '67 camaro about a month ago but at the last minute the guy decided he was gonna give it to his son (lucky bastard). but they were impressed with raimi. she's a hottie.
and i'm reminded once again how much of my readership is a displaced crew in nyc 'cause "for the holidays" everyone has better things to do than sit at their computer bored outa' their minds and reluctantly sitting down to burn it off.
amen ;)
merry christmas, world. happy new year's, too.
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