So this is a picture from the parking lot of kualoa ranch, where i went with moani to see the vandals and yellowcard. open the pic in another window to blow it up and you can see the big white tent a little to the right and all the little tents (food, beer, shirts, etc.). just wanted all you east coasters to see what big concerts tend to look like out here :)
on another note, my fucki'n neck hurt all day today...ugh. not to mention my knee. i spent a few hours walkin' around ala moana shopping center gathering chee for christmas shopping (i haven't done any yet...'cause i barely have any ideas) and when i got home my knee was hurting...yay. it hurts right up between the two big tendons on the back of my knee...what's in there? back to ice and a brace *sigh*.

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