took mom and vanessa surfing today :) we went to baby makapu`u first, but the waves were absolute shit so i convinced them to go to diamond head which was 2-3 ft.
vaness was kinda scared 'cause she's a wimp. but she did okay. she caught a few waves, even stood up on one! my mom caught two (twice improved over friday, haha) and is getting a little more comfortable with the board. i think she's getting hooked. i think when my sister leaves i'm gonna take a belt sander to that board and get some weight off of it, then reglass it. should be a lot lighter after that (and possibly even more buoyant). vanessa's gettin' pretty pscyhed too :)
and my knee is DEFINITELY surfable. leaned into some hard turns to see how it felt and it held up just fine. liiiiittle bit sore, but i think i have to start strengthening the muscles around it again....
the WANA in my foot, however (from i don't even know how long ago) is hurting again. there's definitely somethin' stuck in there pokin' around near my big toe joint...hurts like a bitch when i move it around.
i love my life.

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