Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


only papa moai would understand

holy fucking shit, my prayers may have been answered. does anybody remember how PISSED OFF i get at the mere mention of hawaii's retarded state fish? the humunukunukuapua`a? aka. HAWAIIAN REEF TRIGGERFISH....hawaiian fucking reef triggerfish, also found in california and mexico..and all over the fuckin' pacific. what jackass chose that dumb fish to be our state fish...with all the fuckin' fish that are ONLY FOUND HERE!?

back to my point, just saw on the news that the state is considering changing the state fish!!!!!!!!!!

i almost killed one spearfishing a few months ago...for no reason. but then i realized tht it's not the fish i hate. it's the dumbasses who made it our STATE fish...and i let him live. damn the man.

save the empire.


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