i should light my entire head on fire for halloween this year
fuckin' GHOST RIDER, bitches. i almost peed myself. i thought he was so goddamn cool. sad to say i didn't read much of his comics (i was a darkhawk fan...) but he looked damn cool. and i didn't really almost pee myself, but i did get goosebumps all over. does that happen to you? all this fuckin' reliving childhood bullshit does that to me. superheroes and blowing shit up will probably never bore me. i'll be 60 years old with a pacemaker and a cane and still dream of flying in a ball of fire.
oh, and x-men. i will never understand what retards keep deciding to make ridiculous storylines for these goddamn movies. stan lee's probably tearing what's left of his hair out EVERY TIME. poor guy. i totally just deleted a bunch of spoilers, haha, go see it for yourself. VERY cool action, sweet fight scenes, but goddamn, what retards. x-men could run FOREVER...but i think they fucked that one up. and there's no way they could be worried about too many sequels chipping away at attendance 'cause the fuckin' movie opened at the top of the box offices.
well, nick cage does look like he could pull of ghost rider...looked fuckin' SWEET in the previews....
hopefully it's somethign to look forward to. there is always dead man's chest :)
i have to start thinking about halloween already...
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
what are you smoking?? nick cage as a superhero? umm.. no. im just saying..
i miss going to bona's & that shady take out place. we should go 1 last time before i get a job.
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