best fly lice ever!
decided to clean out the fridge hawaiian style (okay maybe chinese style but it's what we do here....) and make what i thought was some of the weirdest fried rice I'VE ever seen, but ended up being awesome : )
Portuguese sausage
scallops cooked in bacon (leftovers from a party)
asparagus (was supposed to grill them at said party)
LOTS of garlic paste (it was expired, had to use it!)
i wasn't entirely sure how all these random things would mix....but i figured, everything tastes good with bacon, and through some high level deductive reasoning established that any two items that taste good with bacon MUST ALSO taste good with each other!
my hypothesis was correct and i think asparagus will definitely land itself in my next batch of fried rice. i will however have to plan ahead and buy it like 2 weeks ahead so it gets that funny smell again...
i'm kidding. turns out asparagus keeps very well!
*looking forward to lunch*
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