Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


eric gave me some good advice:

"you just shouldn't eat"

he was responding to yet another issue i had with food today. first of all, i've never been allergic to anything in my life. today, however, we (kiks, karen, rachel, austin and liu) went to a place called aquavit for restaurant week...sweedish food. i dunno what i ate but according to rachel i got progressively redder since we'd started eating and they thought it was the alcohol. by desert, however, my fingertips had swollen, my face had swollen also, i was red and flushed, and i was breaking out in hives from the waist up. it was pretty nasty, and rather unpleasant. i started getting nauseous again, but decided not to stick my finger down my throat in a suit. i was getting a bit scared, but it stayed away from my neck and i could breath fine. the fresh cold air felt good and on the subway ride back up it had begun to recede.

got home, took off my shirt and i had hives like crazy...it was pretty nasty. i just went to sleep for two hours and it was okay though.....

so yeah, maybe i should just stop eating. my dad said i probably shouldn't drink alcohol, and i agreed. so i'm going out to a party soon.

....somebody stop me


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