so i'm the king of the cock block. mainly, cockblocking myself. yesterday actually turned out to a very interesting day witde women.
first of all, after i FINALLY finished my last pset for this week, i was walkin' outa mudd after being there all day and this GORGEOUS woman with dyed red/maroon hair walks up to me. she's eastern european-ish and taller than me just, hot. either way, she walks up to me and asks me if i'd ever considered modelling, haha. i told her i tried once, lost some money, and nothing came of it. she was rather surrpised, and complimented my looks, and i asked her who she works for. turns out it's the same company that gave me no love before :) i thoguht it was intersting. still surprised, she apologizes and compliments me again, and i walk off.
oh well, at least it was a boost to my ego.
next, christian's party. oooh, that was a lotta fun. either way, blinn, rachel, amanda, and trish came up with me. i was kinda surprised the women wanted to come, as i was instructed to bring women and i didn't think i'd succeed at all. i know rachel and amanda read this once in a while, if you see this, thanks for coming : ) and trish, if you do, thanks also for coming. trish actually wasn't gonna come, then she was, then wasn't, then was, then finally came and drank lotsa tequila with me. three cute girls all drinking tequila with me. always fun. more women drinking tequila with me. more fun. but then they all left :( i was sad. oh and i went and talked myself sober at one point fighting with amanda and rachel about 'one sided opinions' people get when they only hear one side of relationshp-type-issues and my take on it was that if you're the one that isn't being heard, you have no right to get mad at the poeople making their opinions because you're not telling them, and EXPECTING them to ask you is a copout for not having to tell anyone. they don't want to impose, it's your responsibility to let people know you.
THIRD, and by far the worst, also at christian's party, was this cute girl named aleisha who i totally cockblocked myself on..and then she left. i'll elaborate more later, i need to get out into the sun.
oh, and what made my day, in the morning, walkin' up to drew's (still sort of partying) this woman (we were up in washington heights) comes up to us as we were standing on the corner talking. she starts looking me, turns to my friends, points to me and asks "does he speak english?" i laughed out loud and said yes, and she tells me that she really liked my shirt : ) i was happy. it's my dragon/tiger shirt that my mom gave me.
alright, i have to go now, i'm so hyper...huh
tequila vertigogo
but you're jess?
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