heh, someone who called herself 'my mom' commented. this is supposed to be my own little panopticon, but i'm not quite ready for THAT one yet. she would worry too much for no reason. i just wonder who was bored enough to visit my blog from a cnet terminal in harltley....(stoops? any barnard visitors this evening? waiting for you to come down and sign them in?)
so me chang and skarfin worked for like, close to five hours i think on our signals pset and we finished it. and we understood it all. good feeling, but damn i don't know where i found that motivation (there was some chinese foodage in there somewhere, so maybe just a bit over four hours). very proud of oursleves : )
turns out i'm gonna see my friend from high school at yale this weekend. she plays for BU women (apparently challenging NYPD too, heh). hopefully i'll get to see her. also got the yale-x roamin' around, fun fun :) i took the pussy way out and left her an IM message while she was away telling her i'd be around (again, guessing she doesn't read this). no response yet *shrugs*. what can ya' do?
i've had my song going through my head all day : ) i'm kind of excited to see how it sounds with some other intstruments...haven't had enough time to arrange it better though, maybe christian and skarfin can help me with that tomorrow.
and stoops, comment away :)
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