Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



so...after trying to get my ass studying since fuckin' NINE PM, i'm finally starting....almost five hours later. i didn't go to ultimate practice tonight to rest my back a bit. it actually feels okay today, but yesterday it was a bit uncomfortable after playing rather hard on saturday and i'd rather rest it up for this saturday. i'll probably go to practice on wednesday though, even if i take it easy (never happens...). i had to help a girl with her computer this evening and she was on crutches 'cause she tore her acl. we were talking about how painful it is to have to sit out of something you love...i was telling her i knew how she felt since i broke my back for the second time soph. spring break and haven't really played hard 'till now. she tore one acl twice, and then she just tore the OTHER acl this past week. poor girl...soccor. had a nice talk with her for like...an hour while i ran scans on her computer...which ultimate came up with nothing meaning her problem was not our network and i couldn't help her *shrugs* oh well.

it's kind of rare on this job that i find people i actualy like. usually i feel really uncomfortable being in peoples' rooms...especially when i have to run something and sit there watching a status bar move a pixel an hour while this person sits there staring at me with hopeful eyes....at least this time she was cool (and cute!). then i went on another ticket...and the dude wasn't there. wonderful. is it really that much to ask someone to stay in their room for a half hour? jesus. i'm not calling your fuckin' cell phone, just fuckin' BE THERE. oh well. he's the one that has to wait longer.

so yeah...'starting' meaning i'm gonna blog. a friend of mine had an away message up that said something like 'maybe i should just be smart and disconnect my ethernet cord'....and i realized that i've never even CONSIDERED that...despite how much time i waste on the net. in the end, though, i feel like it works out nicely. gives me a little outlet to keep myself from going insane. i mean....without it i'd have to make so much more effort to have a study break. this way...i can just have a study break in the convenience of my own little room and let my ass slowly mold itself into my chair. spectacular.

i found an old, unmarked compilation cd in one of my cd wallets. so far:

blues traveller - hook
everclear - wonderful
sting - if i ever lose my faith

i'm liking this cd....i'll write the whole songlist later. see if i'm still proud of it. i think i made it freshmen year when i was exploring the joys of my first cd-burner.

for now, though, it's off the the wonderfulw orld of frequency responses of various operational amplfiers and passive circuits. i'm sure it'll be fun.



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