Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


just like the old days

so it's six am....i finished my pset and now it's on to my data structures assignment due in about five hours (taking one of three late days). i'll tell you how that's going at some point...

i took a bit of a nap a little while ago...i say a bit 'cause i never really did get to sleep but it was nice to just lay down for about forty five minutes with my eyes closed. i've had fiona apple's "when the pawn..." playing for about seven hours now and it's still not irritating me. kinda weird. i'm barely listening to it when i'm studying, and i was studying in the lounge before as well...but it's...soothing.

so i just took a shower, an i'm gonna shave soon. always makes me feel better when i study like this. i tend to scratch at my stubble when i'm stressed and frustrated and i sometimes get a rash....sucks. i had coding with a passion, but for some reason i don't get tired when i'm doing it. ijust started to think about it before my nap and it made napping so much harder. i woke up almost talking to myself when my alarm went off about something called "a brian"...some kind of algorithm my brother was talking about. so weird.

so i come out of the shower to an IM from a friend (from home...only people still awake besides chang who's also coding) saying "i'm horny as fuck right now" which inevitably turns into an interesting conversation. i never understand women....but i guess that's part of the fun? (i wonder if she [you] still read this?)

alright, down to coding now....enough'a this fun talk.

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