Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



just got back from lab, which took only an HOUR out of the two and a half hour classtime. so happy with that. now i can chll for a while before my brother shows up and i'll prolly take him to koronets for the first time in his life before he ships off to newport, california for his new job early tomorrow morning.

so, in celebration i'm blasting my stereo as loud as it can handle 'cause nobody else is home right now. i just bought 'jack johnson's' On and On album. AMAZING. i heard it before so i already knew that, but i've just refused to spend any money for the past few months (except for parties) and finally found it on that low steps street fair thing for cheap....so i got it. a pile of shit just fell off one of my speakers and i smiled.

jack johnson is a lil' bit reggae, little bit mellow rock, but all kinds of good. i'd say it's on the level of sublime's mellow stuff....it's that good. one'a those guys that just makes everything feel like it's not-so-baaaaaaad.

went to the heights last night with karen as well. just for a couple'a drinks, it was nice. it was after poker (won 4.35.....i haven't lost much at all this year, i'm pretty high up methinks) and i wasn't gonna do any work....so yeah. we had a nice talk....it's been a while since i hung out with her. she's from maui and we met freshmen year and she's probably one of the easiest people to talk to for me....got da' hawaiian kine laidback outlook on most things.



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