Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



music: 92.3 krock - sounds like a perfect circle...
volume: 13

man, this weekend has been pretty badass. i probably have the WORST workload i've ever had (term project and THREE psets all due on tuesday)....yet i've been out on thursday, friday, and saturday night this week.....wtf is wrong with me!? what's wrong with me is that i got to see probably everyone i love in nyc that doesn't go to columbia. thursday drew came by 'cause his girlfriend got called back into security at laguardia :) actually the entire plane had to go to security....but either way she was late and he was already on his way so he stopped by for a drink at the tavern and one at 1020.

friday night i went downtown with my sister to a tuscan restaurant...don't remember the name but it was REALLY FUCKIN' GOOD. i hate veal and ricotta meatballs. things melted in your mouth....then we went to see 'love actually' (i've mentioned all this before).

then last night i went to decompression with christian, salty, lightshow, yang, jackie, and steve duncan. i kind of felt like a tourist 'cause i didn't like the music at all....apparently that was a dissappointment from last year. even being a tourist, though, i had a really cool time :) it's really interesting to see what kind of people show up and how they show up. the firedancers were, as expected, badass. i wanna try that shit. we have a fire extinguisher here....and steve gave me some tips (he's done it before). anyone else wanna try it? i also wanna get better at spinning them so i can spin fire too. i used to be able to do it with glowsticks but i hit myself in the balls and chin a few too many times....then got busy and haven't touched 'em in a while. but yeah....good times :) got home at like five am, slept at six, and up by noon.

now i get to work all day and still not finish!

but yeah, saw the sis, drew, christian and yang all in one weekend when i should've been working about 16 hours a day. i love it.

on the plus side, my circuit for my project works BEAUTIFULLY, i just have to do some paper calculations to verify and a 'breif' writeup. signals is about 15 minutes from being done. electronics and data structures hasn't begun yet.

straight ahead 'till morning.

and thanksgiving dinner.



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