Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



just saw cold mountain with my sister. nicole kidman, renee zellweger...small parts w/ jena malone and natalie portman....awesome movie. close to three hours long...but a very cool story and nicely done. pretty fuckin' depressing throughout the entire thing and pretty disgusting shit throughout, but that's always fun :)

also watched 'thicker than water', this surf video i bought directed/filmed by jack johnson with a lot of his music in it as well. it was really fuckin' cool :) god i wanna surf already. if anyone wants to watch it you're welcome to borrow it. always lookin' to spread the love. or, shit, if you wanna watch it, come over, i'll watch it again.

not tired yet....i think i'll read some. ALMOST done with the wolves of calla.....so weird to have a book i look forward to reading.

winter league: chang, trish (captains), tao, blinn, catherine, mikeliu.

i'm pretty sure we fuckin' rock.



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