Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


delerium - innocente
lazy ass

so for the first time in my college career i'm copping out. me and chang and raj are taking this class called 'surfaces and knots' which looks like a total joke....should be easy enough. i'm taking it in place of 'universal timekeeper' which was also a joke, but now i get to participate in a joke with friends! sweet. honestly, though, i think my other classes will keep me more than occupied. went to sound and hearing today which was really cool. i already knew more than half of the 2.5 hour lecture but that's just 'cause of all the math and science i've been forced to take. yay. learned some cool shit about the ear, though. did you know the cochlea acts as a real-time biological spectrum analyzer? a spectral graph is a graph that shows individual frequencies in a signal. when you 'hear' something, it's actually a single wave, no matter how many sources. they all just add. in stereo systems, you can take a signal and through some circuitry, or in digital systems through algorithms, you can extract individual frequencies (essentially a number of sine waves of varying amplitude, phase and frequency). when a sound goes into your ear, it eventually gets to the cochlea in the inner ear which will basically be excited like a spectral graph. look on winamp...when a song plays, you see that thing that has a bunch of bars jumping up and down (i'm just being thorough, don't be offended), that's what the cochlea looks like....with much smaller movements of course. so when a certain region is 'excited', the hairs on it push and pull these gates which allow calcium and potassium ions to flow about which send neural signals or something...didn't quite understand that last part.

sorry for the geek talk. but it was really interesting :)



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