Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


sarah mclachlan - posession (acoustic)

fuck the marquee

i don't like that marquee anymore....and i noticed it kinda hurts to watch w/ black on white. i don't check my blog all that often since i have my homepage directed to my haloscan site which has all the comments....

mmm...very blah day. got up around noonish to run some errands, including a stupid knots pset i didn't know existed 'till eric complained about it. who gives a pset right before a midterm? bullshit. turned out to be confusing, too. not like i give two shits.

proceeded to sleep for two hours before practice...that was dumb. i was kind of hoping i'd wake up and my suite would be gone to practice..but no luck. 20 minutes to get up and get ready, and it fuckin' snowed pretty hard...enough to stick on the astrograss and clump up my cleats every thirty seconds (not even exaggerating). it's really hard to run when there's a block of ice in the arch of your shoe higher than your cleats....

good practice, though :) it was a lotta fun. ended up covering baldwin a lot for some reason and was makin' more plays on him than i thought i could. kid's FAST, but i got a few d's nonetheless. point blocked his ass, too on an attempted break. point blocked albert (total telegraph). poached a shitoad. tried to take out mike liu's ankles...it was a fun night. one'a those practices where we can have a lotta fun but people were on, so it didn't degrade into uselessness.

one thing we were concentrating on today was the 3 second stall. moreso at the beginning than at the end but we were trying to get rid of the disc within three stall counts. we didn't change the rules or anything, it was just an offensive mindset. even if it was a dump we wanted to get that shit moving and never let the D set. i fuckin' LOVE this kind of play. it's alway been kind of downplayed on uptown local...the whole setting up and walking to turned discs....i always hated that. granted, it can get messy, but the quick play w/ cuts straight from the back of the stack, march that shit up the field. that's my ideal game. 3 seconds is hard to pull off, but we did a lot of the time. it expanded later in the scrimmaging but the quick mindset remained keeping the disc moving...it rarely stopped. and when it did, it got really nasty cloggy and you'd end up threading a needle...meh.

i'm psyched for spring break. i need to get outa' here. i wanna play in shorts. i wanna layout on grass.

we're coming.



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