Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


google's takin' over the world

and i'm gonna help them :)

what i decided to do when i heard all these people can't find invitees for gmail is to just post it on honolulu.craigslist.org saying i'd give them a free gmail account if they simply emailed me (under the 'free' category) asking for one. one thing i've noticed about hawaii is that they rarely use blogger. most people around here are apeshit over myspace for some reason. funny how that happens. what that means is that nobody has gmail accounts here yet...

in 12 hours i got 7 requests. hawaii's craigslist is much smaller than nyc. i'm actually kind of impressed...and i feel like i'm makin' a buncha' people happy :) which is always nice. i like makin' people smile.

someone said that i get my 6 invites renewed every day since i'm part of the little clan of ongoing bloggers. fun. long as they keep comin', i'll keep dishin'. gmail makes it even easier to give out invites to emailers with a handy hyperlink next to 'reply'. how nice.

google hail *hitler hail type arm thing, pronouncing hail hayle or something*


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