well fuck me...now i am officially broken.
ultimate summer league finals yesterday...we weren't looking for anything grand, just to have a lotta fun, and we did :) beat blue, who'd beat us twice before. great game, good spirit, good fun. lost our other two games...one 'cause our team showed up really late and the other 'cause they were jsut way better and we had nothin'.
aaaand on to the injuries. my ankle was sprained from two week's previous...and rolled many times throughout those two weeks between surfing and (more) ultimate...so it wasn't in very good shape. so i just laced up that brace as tight as it would go and tried not to put too much pressure on it. yeah...rolled it a few more times, and had one reckless guy with no cleats slide RIGHT into/over my ankle on one play. ouch.
that was the first game. second game...i got scared. chasing a disc into the endzone (on d) i lept to try and cut it off, but with only one leg to leap off, didn't get the height i wanted and contorted myself over in a funny position and landed with my legs going one way and my shoulders the other...twisting my back *cringe*. god that hurt. and scared me. but it went away really fast...just kinda shocked it i guess. it's kinda tender today but that's okay since i'm takin' a break 'till 'fall season' which starts on sept. 17th.
and lastly, the one that finally put my out...going up the line hard for a breakside pass my defender clips my knee with a back kick with his cleat (incidental). i play out the point but by the end it's just ACHING so i sit out for a few. this one hurt like a bitch...just TOUCHING it...barely putting any pressure, felt like a you were jabbing it with a fuckin' knife. i'm not exaggerating. i couldn't tell if it was muscle or tendon or what...but it was spreading which made me it was just a bruise. either way, that faded as well so i went back in after about two points...i started the day limpin on my right ankle...and now i was limping on my left knee putting most of my weight on my hurt ankle. SMART. played hard, couldn't make headway, and i finally killed myself when i booked it up the line for a backhand huck RIGHT up the line with my defender on my heels and a deep poacher coming from the right. i leap up, snag the disc (i think it was flying out of bounds, pretty much parallel to the line), look straight down and plant my left toe in the front corner of the goal only to get plowed to the ground by both defenders for the score....and landed straight on that left knee and limped out for good :)
good way to end the day. i was actually worried i wouldn't be able to push raimi's clutch (it's a long drive ~40 mins) but it was okay. fun day, fun day...painful mroning. can't surf, can't hike, hell i can't even finish a paint touch up on raimi i started (i can't fully bend my knee) so i think i'm just gonna...read? watch tv? something lame.
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