fun w/ film one

so i was trying to take a picture in the dark...'cause there's a shoplight up betwen raimi's legs right now drying some cold weld glue stuff i'm using to attempt repair on my exhaust header. turns out it's more than about a three inch goes ALL THE WAY AROUND the entire pipe...oops. i was taking off the heat shield and spark plug to get a better look and yup, all the way around. shit. sooooi got all up in there, puttied the shit out of it, jacked her up and got underneath to go the rest of the way around (barely enough room to use a chopstick to stuff the shit in) and the shop light's in there to dry it. it 'should' dry in 2-4 hours (i leave for work in seven) but it says it dries better/faster w/ some heat so i thought it couldn't hurt. she runs normally around 200 degrees farenheit....i doubt a shoplight'll do any harm.
either way it turns out you can't turn the flash on my camera :) haha. i told you it was simple. i'm not too bothered by it, though. hell maybe there is a way and i don't know it. you know...i just figured it out. be right back....

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