Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


dust in the wind

i keep thinking about my "life plan" these days as i divy up my time into different hobbies, responsibilities, and obligations (not necessarily in that order). one thing i've decided is that there are definitely hobbies i want to indulge in that i just don't have the time for....and there are hobbies that i DO indulge in now that, later in life, i won't have the energy or health to. that seems to be my decision making factor these days. surf, ultimate, raimi, motorcycle?....my back's gonna break and i'm gonna be a cripple at 35. i might have a family around then, too....so i guess drivin a camaro and a death sentance on two wheels wouldn't be a good idea....so yeah. those are the things i spend my time doing.

other hobbies...ceramics, hiking, music...buncha' other "interests" but those are things i activily have to decide not to do...those are things i can do when i'm a cripple :)

but yeah...i always feel really RUSHED these days. granted, most of the time i'm waking up after four or five hours of sleep to do something i enjoy on the weekends...but it's come to the point where i feel completely out of place when i don't have someplace to be...it's weird. i live kind of far from town and friends...so sometimes i'll hvae an hour or so before i'm meeting someone and i have to waste it and i'm just like...wow...this feels nice. i buy a lotta magazines 'cause i enver finished books (finished 'song of susannah' FINALLY)...and they sit in my trunk...unread...and get soaked by wet rash guards and board shorts...i almost never let myself just...sit. 'cept during the week when i get home (usually after dark after surfing/ultimate) but i'm too tired to do more than type...so here i am.

i dunno...i'm waiting to run out of energy. i periodically get a little depressive (nothing big) and sit around watching tv and drinking...but i usually realize what a waste of time that is.

no point.

just rambling.


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