Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


nice tming

hahaha, great timing austin. fall league party was yesterday (started at 3pm, early party...but of course everyone showed up at 6 anyway) and at some point in the night chloe (who is gorgeous, if i haven't mentioned) asks me if i wanna go have sex with her in her limo (she bought a used limo). i think she was joking? but i was so drunk and someone attacked me or something RIGHT THEN and i completely forgot about it 'till sometime today when i was sobering up at work and the night was comin' back to me. question is, would i be happier if she was joking or not?

but you're jess

i woke up in a tree house (pretty much) soaked in beer...brushed my teeth, slapped some gel on, changed my clothes and put on deoderant and drove drunk to work. not DRUNK...but definitely dangerous :) ugh...*shakes head* pretty painful day. but a great fuckin' party. i still reek of beer...i should get a shower.

and tammy. no doubt. we had an email vote for all kinds of categories (mvp, most improved, the usual) and one of them was 'girl/boy you'd most like to be stuck in an elevator with'....tammy won by "quite a large margin". maybe i should get on my horse and do something...apparently i have competition.

heh...right...me? grow balls?

oh and some other girl jumped on me when i was trying to pass out. that happens. i think i might've asked her if she was a lesbian....she eventually got off of me...i think.

knee seems to be healing.

head still hurts.

beer taste good right now.

i think i'm gonna crash early.



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