hot damn
well...i picked a bad time to start interviews again...fuckin' near-advisory surf hitting the south shores (summer's here!!!) for the NEXT TWO WEEKS!!! although that could also mean that it's a good time to get medical insurance :) haha.
had a spectacular weekend. friday night was tammy's (and her friend kim's) birthday party (tam's birthday is today, 4/18, kim's is 4/19) and i just told her goodnight :( i got to the party late 'cause i had ultimate...brought mom :) that was...interesting. my mom left, however, when some chick showed up and passed out on the stoop...peeing herself. apparentlys he smoked too much pot mom felt a little out of place...oh well. she's cool with it. she had a good time (friday was mom's birthday).
saturday...ugh...haven't had a hangover that bad in a LONG time. but, nonetheless, made it to the kokua festival (jack johnson!) and then later that night went to hard rock to say g-love (who was also at kokua) play 'till like 2:30am. good thing we were getting around on bicycles to avoid traffic/parking. ended up putting them in my friend ariel's truck and hitchin' a ride...good deal. good night. LOOONG night. aaaaand today (sunday) essectially useless. woke up late, ate late (dinner), and helped tam fix a dinged board for some birthday surf tomorrow afternoon. prolly have something like three interviews this week. i have to study...ugh. unbelievable. but hey, this is what i asked for, isn't it?
great weekend. good surf comin'. good thing i spent the past few weeks of shitty ass surf getting back in shape.
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