Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


the real world

soooo...this all happened...TODAY.

except my meeting yesterday, which spawned it all. got a job offer...to be sent in writing soon, but only $30k salaried (no overtime) with good benefits and "bonuses" whatever that means. i'm kinda bummed. while i can easily double that if i stay with this job in TWO YEARS (more than double)...it's still two years doing something i'm not all that psyched about...public engineering stuff...building power distribution mainly. they do mechanical engineering too...but yeah...i dunno.

sooooo getting on today. after getting a late start on the day, instead of working on surfboards, tv, reading, surfing, raimi...the usual unemployment bit...i decided to do some research. started by researching the EIT exam (engineer in training) which would make me look better, PE licencing...which looks bland...and a few other things that i would've had tos tudy for that would EVENTUALLY make me lotsa money one day...doing boring things.

then it hit me...i could spend those two years learning things i DO enjoy, and come out two years later earning a liveable paycheck (master's degree) or just be in school forever and get into some cool research and be poor forever but REALLY happy. the factor i can't dismiss is being able to do it in hawaii. in these past two months i've discovered something really interesting....i can live pretty goddamn cheaply....in hawaii. the things i do for fun are almost free except raimi...and that's something i can put off for a time if need be. surfing, ultimate, hiking...all easy to indulge in. so...i could deal with having no money as long as i'm here. back in new york...when i was bored i partied and drank a lot. ultimate was hard 'cause it was in a frickin' city. bladed once in a while but only when the weather agreed. so i spent a lotta money on food, booze and movies. here...don't need it. school would be MUCH more enjoyable when i can balance it with my hobbies on my free time.

i think.

i'm gonna let it sit. i SHOUDL take the GRE's by june (they're recommended but not required) adn app for spring semester is sept. 1st. i could get a part time job easily (already have an outstanding offer from an old boss...CAD work)...and we're going to have to get this house in shape to sell soon...i could strike a deal with my mom.

funny how i can change my mind in a day...for those who don't memorize my blog (bastards), i decided on the first day of school my senior year at columbia that i did NOT want to go to grad school after i was 95% committed up until that point for years prior. now...i get my first legitimate job offer (the last job was handed to me) and i'm changing my mind.

or maybe it's just school decisions.

i'll start drinking and think about it :) usually does me good.

oh...and i would DEFINITELY appreciate comments on the issue. i'd love to hear what you have to say (especially you near-graduates and recent graduates).

ima get off this computer now.



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