shoulda' woulda' coulda'
i shoulda' been a carpenter. and a mechanic. and a...and a...everything. i say it jokingly all the time, but i am, as they say, "easily amused; quickly bored." i like to know a little bit of everything but i get a little bored when it starts turning into knowing something by heart. doing house shit lately...i had as much fun building a small audio circuit as i did cutting down a 40ft. mango tree without destroying the house (and the neighbor's). i just like doing shit. anything i don' tknow or anything that poses a challenge, i wanna do it.
the obvious solution would be to pick something brutally complicated like particle physics or some shit so that i could spend my life doing it and never hit a wall...but then i look at that and think...why would i want to start in anyway?
i don't know what the fuck i want. BUT, happy to say that sitting on this new idea of studying natural energy has sat well (and grown!) for like a month i think it's good for me. of course, only time will tell.
i'm in the process of fixing a few sections of gypsum board in the ceiling that shifted and started coming loose and falling (not dangerous...but ugly as hell). i put about 10 ft. of lumber in the attic to further support it. they did a funny thing and used these weak looking brackets to brace two boards together going the ENTIRE width of our house...with no further support and lengthwise, every board has the joint in the same place. i think what that created was a fissure in our ceiling structure that's allowing our house to bend a little as the earth moves (there's a hill behind our house). sooooo yeah, braced one over the living room with two 2x4's (which ironically aren't 2" by 4"...dumbasses) over the living room which is the biggest room so it has the furthest lengths of wood not supported by a wall. also put in a bunch of perpendicular supports to prevent twisting...which it looked like it was doing a little. aaaand of course, all these new boards gave me more places to secure the gypsum up into them so the gypsym slabs are solid as rock now. i just puttied the joints and taped 'em. gotta let 'em dry a day before i sand 'em and put a few more coats on (sanding in between) and then texture it and voila...hopefully nobody'll have to touch it for 20 years. unfortunately about 10 years a go my dad repaired it incorrectly and all that did was make more work for ME when his repair broke. had to sand like a 1/2" of plaster along the whole house is covered in white dust, it's great. i've inhaled a lotta shit and got a lotta shit in my eyes, finally settled on swimming goggles and a full respirator. i look like a retard...with power tools.
not that you were really interested...
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