Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



wow...i need to blog more :)

i actually hda to go back and read what i'd last written...that's rare. either way, i DID get up the courage, and i did in fact decline that job. up shit creek without a paddle, as they say. haha.

so the plan is (most likely) work nearly everyday here at home to clean up/fix up the house and get it ready to start being shown. my mom was guessing a 1 month timetable...but that's not gonna happen. in a month we'll be close, but there're just too many little things to be done. we will have to hire pros for a few things as well and that's not something that gets done overnight.

so, maybe after that month or so i'll pick up a parttime job someplace for a few months. if the house goes REALLY well i might look into taking some classes at UH...maybe start up on EE or just take something to get my mind working again. i'm finally in the red...like...no money. this repair bill is going on the credit card...fuck. i've been doing a really good job of using money instead of credit...oh well. my mom's paying me to work at home and she's offered to help me out....

aaaand then yeah, grad school in the spring, most likely.

so weird being able to make these decisions...used to be like..."you're going to school, where do you want go?" then "you're going to college, where do you want to go?" then "bye bye...you do it."

okey, i go.


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