can't seem to stay drunk tonight, haha. what a bummer. the only drihnk i have ingredients for right now is a martini....and i don't actually LIKE martinis...they're just a quick way to get drunk and for some reason we keep ending up with gin in the house. *shrugs*. gave up and hit the rocky road instead.
raimi lives! everytime i don't drive'er for a while i forget how much oomph she has. goddamn that girl can move. just gotta' touch'er the right way and find that sweet spot. then BAM! to the moon.
as usual there's still lotsa work to be done on'er (like a gas leak at the moment, heh heh), but i can drive again. always nice. AND i can drive fast.
just leveled our 40ft. mango tree (40ft CUBE). took about six months but we finally did it. by 'we' i mean my mom was on the ground ready to call an ambulance if i fell out of the tree and impaled myself with the chainsaw. i am very cautious when i do shit like that...but at the same time i'm 40ft in the air swaying in the wind standing on a 3 inch branch with sharp rocks, cement, wooden fence spikes and a metal chickenwire fence below me. yay. we left one branch that we're oging to graph and take with us. that tree has the best mangos i've ever tasted. check my fotofinity page on the link at right...there's some "after" pics. forgot to take a before pic.
aaaand yeah. father's day. sad to say that it was perhaps my last.
i need some mixers for all thsi goddamn booze...and beer.
oh, and tell me if this is kosher. i bought rocky road ice cream because my mom doesn't like it. and she always eats my ice cream. so now she doesn't eat my ice cream. is that wrong? heh heh. she knows it, too :)
and i finally got my W-2's from columbia so i can do my taxes!!! lol, actually a lot less money on them than i thought there was...probably could've just ignored 'em.
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