Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


wow wow chicawow wow

/\ my rendition of textporn music

halloween's comin'!!! i like halloween. and somehow i've made a habit of havin' a costumet hat a lotta' people like. yay me.

this year i'm contemplating elvis :) my hair's grown long enough to put into two pigtails (but not one ponytail) and in the past few weeks i've gotten lazy and grown myself a beard which has filled out a lot more since that last time i grew it out.


i figure with a lotta gel and a blowdryer i could get a pretty mean wave goin', and the rest, as they say, is at goodwill. whaddaya think?

there's an ultimate couple (they're not married, but they might as well be) that claimed the halloween party years ago and they throw a MEAN party. huge house, big lot, tents, hot tub, apparently one year they turned one room into a bubble room...ice luge (my buddy last year), and instructions to bring no alcohol. i like parties where the alcohol is provided. mmm...

the other one i thought of today was hellboy. i figure i could whip up some paper mache chopped horns and i always like painting my face red. then i just need an overcoat and some big boots.

although whippin' a mohawk outa' this mess of hair would also be clutch.

what to do, what to do. there's a theme for the party, it's "a good idea gone horribly wrong." so far i got nothing.

what are you gonna be for halloween?



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