Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



so i'm lookin' through old shit cleaning out bookcases and such and find this class journal from...3rd grade? i dunno. i was 8, here it is, letter for letter:

spelling L6 unit 1 review. write a story using 12 spelling words from leason 1 to 5. Underline the spelling words in your story. Write a titel for your story.


The snake the bird and the pipe

Once a snake and a bird found a pipe. They were curious about it. There was a note on it. It said made in the U.S.. They went home. The next day, they went back and they brought a tray full of hay to plug up the pipe just incase something comes out. As they were puting it in a big wind came and blew all the hay away. What a neet pipe of mine ya. I will take it home and keep it in my own room. I will paint it yellow and blue, But first I will put soap on it to clean it. But than a big cloud of smoke came out. They did not smile. No wonder I can't get a wife.


pure genius.

one more:

April 30, 1991
The bird that wouldn't go to sleep

Once there was a baby bird that never wanted to go to sleep. He went to sleep at 11:45 and woke up a two o'clock in the morning. At school he's always tired. At night, he ate his stew very slowly. After dinner he ran around the house singing: I'm not going to sleep tonight! By that time his parents knew he wasn't going to sleep. They've gone to ask him so many times: Aren't you going to sleep yet? EVery time they asked him that he said: I won't go to sleep for the whole night. He was very unlike his parents. Soon he grew tired but he still didn't want to go to sleep. He almost fell asleep. Than had an idea. When ever he splashed water in his face he woke up. So he went and took a bath. For the wrest of the night he didn't go to sleep. At school he wasn't tired anymore. The techer thought that was pretty unusual. At the end of the day she told the class to go to sleep early. She told them that cause they had a test the next day. So that night the baby bird went to sleep early. He liked it pretty much so he kept doing that for the wrest of his life.

The End


so weird. even then i was an insomniac i guess. i vaguely remember not sleeping well in elementary school, but 8/9 years old? shit.



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