Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


a novel laced with beer and coffee stains

so apparently that last post was #800 for my blog. lol. that's just...retarded.

but hell, i like to talk, you should know that by now. now that i noticed that i completely forgto what i came here in the first place to blog. oh! dude. i had to fuckin' take midterms this week and last. what the fuuuuck, seriously. they really weren't that painful, it's just still a little surreal that i'm in school again. but don't get me wrong, i do enjoy it. shit like learning how to use an electron microscope? dead sexy.

we checked out our samples from the past month last week on the SEM (scanning electron microscope) and we are indeed making nanotubes. sweetness. i was skeptical, but sure enough, you can see the fuckers. unbelieveable. still workin' out a few bugs and impurities and workin' on consistency, but they're workin'! pretty soon we'll just pick a firing schedule and start using the furnace basically for production to do experiments WITH the nanotubes. i forsee loooong and lonely hours in a lab that smells of epoxy and acetone.

dead sexy


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