Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


warm food and a blanket

you think homeless people just do something to get in jail sometimes? i mean shit, it's warm food and a roof over your head. gotta be more comfortable than a central park bench, no?

yeah...this is wha i think about while i write my thesis. kaimana was AWESOME. duke came down and played on a team called voltron, he said he'll try and get down next year. unfortunately i couldn't hang with him much at all before the tourney 'cause i was writing just about every waking minute...ugh.

BUT, comin' down the line. 'nother mild all nighter and i'm gonna try and be done by noon tomorrow...then...emptying kegs.

heartburn is gone, but my throat is scratchy :( and no, i wasn't kissin' anyone (....much).

work it


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