Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



hahaha, i thought of something funny (and kind of sad at the same time). she made me feel like a puppy she was trying to train sometimes. yay.

on another note, along with insomnia sometimes comes bouts of narcolepsy. people normally tend to have both (go figure)...but i think i'm on the second phase now. i seriously COULD NOT stay awake last night. it was funky. not just *yawn* i'm tired. like walking from the couch to my bed was 10 miles away and i had lead weights in my pants (usually just brass). left work early today just 'cause i could, hoping to come home and do some work...and again. needed a nap, turned the alarm off twice, and woke up 3 hours later still tired....

i hate this shit. i want my life back!

almost. few revisions (did i tell you i defended my thesis successfully last week? yay!)

kick it up a notch!


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