Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


another pretty fuckin' cool day. when on a fuckin' MADHOUSE of a blade around manhattan. Christian already blogged it so i'll save myself the trouble. Not like i really run out of shit to babble about.

but yeah, amazing trip, rivals my old adventure with rudy which was 13 miles, i think we at least went 15 today..maybe more? who knows. i love nyc in the sun. my back wasn't feelin' so hot after i cooled down though (all still better thanw hen i'd started) so i decided not to go to ultimate practice tonight. meanwhile, my band practice got cancelled without our knowing too 'cause some mother fucker went and gave the room to the business school for some crap show from 5pm -12pm. dicks. oh well...gave me time to....vegg. woulda' been nice

and now i'm just waiting around 'till we leave to see the charles mingus band downtown somewhere for our last jazz concert report. fun fun :) amcaff perhaps? later tonight?



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