Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


quite a good day, i might say. my wednesdays are usually decent...starting with the fact that i only have one class that i rarely go to. *grin*

after classs i met breifly with my advisor to discuss that list below in my last blob, and afterwards i worked on my sinals pset at 3pm after eating leftover kfc for lunch with austin. I DID A PSET AT 3PM. i'm so proud of myself. the only reason i started it so early was because we were going to a free movie at 5:30pm. 'the italian job'....the BEST heist movie i've ever seen, i'll have to say. after that i came back and finished up the pset, a whole hour early (11pm) and went GAWLFING. big crowd today, i won't bother listing them 'cause if you weren't there, you should've been there. and if you left early, then you just suck (you know who you are). amanda brought her little sister too, and she squeals just as much as amanda...just with a different tone, very odd, but consistent. you could get a little chorus going tickling the muppet family, heh. girl wouldn't shut up though, jesus :) (amanda, if you're reading this, sorry!.....and don't read this next part)

it's a good thing she was hot ;) too bad only 15 though....

but back to my timeline....golf rocked. it was quick...i'm kind of amazed we kept the momentum with such a large group, but it was brisk, i liked it. good to be a bit speedy when the wind's as lickin' at your disc. and, after golf, we got to koronets for the last pie'a the night. ooooh so good. no better way to end the night.

although i'm not tired yet...and i have no alcohol.....bah.

i guess i'll vegg for a bit.

talk to me


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