Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


tv - bluetorch (extreme sports...i.e. surf)

what does awol mean, anyway? either way, sorry i've been awol. yeah...three days is awol to me. lot's been happinin'.

first off, new year's eve party was really fun. i spent a lotta the night getting my family drunk. made a few pitchers of margaritas...found out one of my uncles' favorite drinks is a martini....found out gin is actually good in a martini (tanqueray, granted)...got trashed, burned a lotta shit...and somehow managed not to burn myself. actually rather impressive considering i was running around barefoot a lotta the time. yeah i'm an idiot :) but a lucky idiot. doesn't that count for anything?

the next day was much, much less than the new year's i was expecting. me and my sister woke up late...she ws hungover like hell, poor girl. my mom was in a mood and without a word took beau (our dog) in the van and went to the beach.

to our surprise she runs in the house when she comes home about a half hour later crying and frantically trying to dial something on the phone. my first thought was that she'd killed beau 'cause she kept calling for me (he's my dog) and i couldnt' think of any other reason she'd call ME (my 'older' sister and dad were in the house)...but she was crying because she had the headache from hell and really just could-not-think. she was dialing the hospital. we called the hospital and she asked me to drive her there...and i did...stiffling tears the entire way but i was okay when we got there. we waited in the waiting room for like an HOUR or somethign close to it....finally she got triaged and eventually got stuck on a bed in a hallway awaiting a cat scan and getting an IV for nausea (the headache was that bad).

luckily the cat scan came back fine and she was diagnosed with a severe migraine and perscribed to ib's and codeine.

*whew* that was quite a scare. my mom isn't one to complain about pain a whole lot. she's had her share of ailments (including thyroid cancer) and she's a medtech...so she knows when things are serious which is the reason i was so scared...because SHE was terrified. *shakes off goosebumps*. she's fine now. still taking pain killers for very mild pain...but she seems okay. she felt really bad that we missed our family new years' day party (we waited for her in the hospital for about six hours) but i would not have been comfortable at all leaving without knowing what was wrong.

after that it's been kinda quiet. just chillin' and watchin' some movies and spending vanessa's last copule days here with her. she left today. she had the wrong date in mind for her departure and she'd bought two tickets to the kokua festival with jack johnson for tonight. unable to go with me i took my mom :) she likes jack and there were some other local artists playing that i knew she'd like and she did. it was...interesting going with my mom. it was a chill concert but at the same time i didn't have the freedom to walk around and get in the crowd and stuff 'cause i didn't think she'd enjoy that very much and i didn't wanna ditch her. music was frickin' awesome :) yeah i would've liked to walk around, but it was a small price to pay to have fun with my mom. she enjoyed herself a lot. she and my dad haven't exactly been getting along for the past year...wasn't so bad at first but it kept spiralling downward and now they barely talk. grr.

first time in my life i've had this problem. i don't wanna get into it much but all my life my parents hve done everything in their power to give us what they thought we needed. in the end, though, i think they gave us too much 'cause now that we're all gone...they've lost touch with each other. now that i'm the one home...i've become the 'go-between' to hand messages back and forth between them and i haven't decided how much of an active role i want to take in their marriage considering i'm the youngest of three. frustrating...

hmm..i'm gonna drink a martini.



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