Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



so i almost made it to bed, but then i remembered the five gallons of beer outside waiting for me :) my dad brewed me a german black (i helped) last christmas break and it's been curing ever since. dark beers need time to develop the right taste. i was going to try it earlier but the beer's still warm (the yeast yas to be kept awake) so i put this thermos-type cup my dad has in the freezer yesterday and just remembered it. and...the moment as come *pauses to sip beer*....

hmmm...unfortunately not as good as the first batch of this beer. we ran into a bit of a problem in that it didn't seem like the yeast was working properly when we'd brewed it...the yeast is supposed to eat the sugar and make alcohol and CO2. well...there's definitely alcohol...and there's definitely CO2 (it comes shooting out).....but there's still sugar : ( one thing i really don't like in my beer is a sweet taste (besides bass which is a honey-sweetness that works nicely with the rest of the tastes). granted the beer is still a bit warm and stinging (ever smell an afterparty?), it's pretty sweet. i hope it'll taste better colder...but DAMN there's a lot of alcohol. (side story) whenever i get cuts and such in my mouth, they tend to get infected rather easily...which is why i use a lot of listerine most of the time. well...my dad doesn't have listerine and i got hit in the face with a disc yesterday leaving a rather large tooth-cut inside my bottome lip which is getting infected....well...the beer's alcoholic enough to make it sting a bit :) AND, after two sips i'm already feeling it...amazing! i can also taste it...something i've only experienced in guiness, some other stout's, and new castle. i like that alcohol taste in heavy beers, it's a nice complement, and a testament to the fact that it's not horsepiss.

i imagine i'll sleep good tonight...also because i'm going to bed now at 3:15am (if you haven't noticed i've switched my timestamps to hawai`i time, -6hrs. from nyc time) and i'm getting up around eight or nine to go bodyboarding with or without a friend of mine who doesn't know if she has to babysit yet. last night was a very interesting sleeping night, actually. i passed out infront of the tv around this time watching some show...i forget what. i was pretty tired but i really wanted to watch it. when i woke up again at like four or something, i was just too dead to get up and go to bed, so i just laid there (i'd already brushed my teeth) adn passed out again...woke up at five...still dead. finally i woke up at 8:30am, sun up, pigeons cooing (they do that all the time around my house), sparrows chirping, myna birds...screeching. it's often a nice wake up call...although if i happen to be UP 'till then it's rather hard to go to sleep. either way, at eight thirty...after probably about a total of four horus of sleep (i kept waking up and watching the tv which i never turned off) i was wide awake so i got up and eventually met some friends to go to the north shore and chill all day. very relaxing day, good to have. but yeah, tomorrow i'm going to diamond head EARLY (1-3 ft. sets) and hoping to come back and clean the house a bit before (possibly) pickup again, and then pickin' the parents up at eight pm. and that should be thursday :)

wow, not even a pint...this is going to be fun to finish : )

'night 'night

meat jun


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