Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


thicker than water soundtrack
horrible dream

only a short piece that i rember so i'll put it here instead of the dream blob.

i was driving...details are unimportant (where/why...) but i ended up on this hill going really high up. it started raining hard as FUCK...one'a those that even w/ windshield wipers you can still barely see. either way this hill just gets steeper and steeper until i realize that my wheels start slipping on and off...then they slip completely and i start going backwards (there was a friend sitting with me, i don't remember who (hawaii friend). when i realize i have NO traction after flooring the gas pedal, i stomp on the breaks and the hood actually flies up 'cause i finally get some traction, but then the bounce as my hood crashes back down dislodges my wheels again and i'm sliding backwards with the breaks on and i see in my rearview mirror as all the cars behind me get dislodged as well and we all slide down backwards in an avalanche of headlights.....

i felt so horrible afterwards that it was my fault...i 'woke up' (in the dream) on a bus w/ all the people in the accident and being the first car, despite failing to figure anything i did wrong, i felt absolutely horrible, even when i woke up.

very disturbing.....



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