SHIT isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) hurts like a MOTHER FUCKER. haha. iv'e mentioned being a mild masochist...mostly in the head but i have my moments. i was talking to my parents about how hydrogen peroxide does indeed hurt less (before it was used the chief disinfectants were iodine and isopropyl, iodine hurt even more apparently) but unfortunately it destroys some tissue in the process, something iodine and isopropyl DON'T do. so, i thought i'd help my body out a bit and take one for the team...but oh DAMN that shit hurts. the worst is the open blisters on my feet....god, it hurt so much i HAVE to try it!
but yeah, i'm all patched up now, isopropyl, ointment, and bandaids....ahhh. i should just use duct tape.
i was bleeding all over the shower too...the warm water opened up my toe again i think....
*glug glug*
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