Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



soooo work in kona is pretty boring. they pretty much have me surveying again. i do kinda like being outa' the office...but at the same time i'm getting really antsy about this stuff being useful...'cause right now i'm not learning anything....and it doesn't look like i'll learn a whole lot in the next three months either since i already know what goes on in surveying...ehh...i'm contemplating talkin' to the higherups and asking what they think of it...'cause they pay me a pretty penny and i don't know if this is worth their money at all *shrugs*...but work's tight at the moment with the shit hitting the fan at all so maybe i should just be happy to have a job, haha.

saw NOFX last night at pipeline. fuckin' a that was fun. went in with the same knee brace i play ultimate in :) wasn't gonna take any chances. the tournament last weekend went pretty goddamn well considering i hadn't even JOGGED on this knee since i hurt it in early december. i jogged once two days before the tournament to see if it worked at all, then got a badass knee brace and walked into this three day tourney. our team didn't make it to the finals so it was really a two day tourney but my knee held up just fine. all the other muscles in my body though? not really....SO outa' shape :) but i'll work on it. there's another tourney in a couple weeks (coed) that i'll be lookin' forward to.

workin' on raimi...MIGHT get her working today, it's possible. read her blog to find out (i'll post in a few minutes).




soooo, i totally lied. i'm not home for good...in fact i'm quite the opposite. my company decided to send me to kona instead (big island)....for three months. *sigh*. they ARE flying me back on the weekends, though, which is cool. it was kind of sudden because there was a huge mishap with funding at the last comapny i was at (with the entire project, actually, but it affected the construction the quickest) and they were downsizing so it didn't make much sense for me to stay there at the moment.

so yeah...kona...three months. the upside is that i'll probably be working on a computer and can stay in better touch. new phone #...email me for it (not posting it here).




back for good on the 18th (this friday). flying into an ultimate tournament though, so hawaii crew, don't expect to see much of me.

the rest of the crew, i WILL start bloggin' again when i get back :) how the hell do i still get like 20 hits? wtf. who are you people?

got lotsa cool pics from the neighbor islands....



got 'er Posted by Hello