Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



so i cruised by friendster tonight when i got an invite through my junkmail email account. i have 12 friends! lol. god what a pain in the ass that thing is. i'd much rather have people just come here and spy on me so i never have to talk to them. it's so much more comfortable that way!

i'm kidding. i'm just trying some reverse psych bullshit to try and get comments and emails.

friendster is kinda interesting, though. i honestrly did try once upon a time, but yeah, too goddamn complicated. i think people like those (and myspace) so that they can stay in touch without staying in touch and, in the end, never learning anything about each other except the happy-go-lucky "testimonials" and whatever myspace has so that they can leave cutsie little messages for each other and pretend they're 12 years old.

speaking of 12 years old, how's my english there?

i got an assistant prof at UH email me asking if i'd be interested in joining her group working on nanotubes for environmental and energy production applications.

i think that means i'm accepted...but i'm not really sure...i'll talk to her soon :)




quoth wikipedia:

G.E.E.K. as an acronym came from the United States Military. It stands for General Electrical Engineering Knowledge. It is unclear if this was the origin of the current meaning for geek, or if the acronym was used in a joking way toward the pre-established meaning for geek

fuckall. it's written in the goddamn encyclopedia that i'm a geek. that's horrible.



compliments of moani...unfuckingbelievable :) Posted by Picasa



so i've got lots of hair

got a full beard

i'm gonna be wolverine. i wanna weld something : )


call time

i'm one'a those people who always looks at the "call time" at the end of a phone call. even our house phone has one now. i've told you (whoever "you" is) what an introvert i was as a kid...and despite what people think these days i never did lose that feeling of general social awkwardness. so, as a result, i look at the call times at the end of a phone call and i'm proud of myself. sincerely proud of myself.

something about being able to just carry a conversation on is a big thing to me. interesting to me how our childhoods can still have such a strong effect on our lives after this long and through so many changes. could be because it's something that i just DECIDED to changea bout myself. and i worked at it, and (at least i think) i've gotten much better at it. i look at other parts (accomplishments) of my life and a lot of them come naturally. i'm good at math. i'm good at science. i'm relatively athletic. hell i'm even a little artistic. and i've achieved acedemic honors, sports recognition, made a lotta money doing pottery...and still i'm more proud of the fact that i can talk to someone over the phone for 20 minutes about...nothing. and it's fun. and i feel like the other person is enjoying it.

such simple things to make life worth living....



bad blogger

i'm a bad blogger. ever since i left college...i don't read other peoples' blogs as much. i go through the entire list once every two or three weeks...for some blogs that's actually a good interval, but for others i end up reading like five or six posts in one sitting which just doesn't have the same effect. i feel like i'm failing my friends by reading five posts at a time. and, of course, i don't blog as much.

my life's gotten very simple, methinks. what occupies my mind most of the time are the day to day kind of things that are pretty much geared towards having enough money to survive in this country. when i used to blog, i used to have so many ideas floating through my head that i felt were so exciting and interesting, no matter how retarded or random i figured others would see them as. and, not that i have to tell you, i let them pour out. since i came home and started dealing with real life things instead of melting into the college pot of ideas we all swam in...nothing i think of seems interesting.

it's probably one'a the strongest feelings (not about the blog, but about the ideas) that convinced me to go back to school. i miss having something NEW in my mind. every day learning something new. whether it be how to calculate EM fields, a new fuckin' drink at a bar, or a new way to dress for the cold...i was so out of place in college that it opened my mind to so many other things. i came home and things settled. i felt like i had to settle down again to mesh into the real world here...and i did....and in settling down i was lost. the only thing si looked forward to were ultimate and surfing...and all the tasty food and booze i could consume with my fat paycheck. but instead of an open mind exploring the retarded and random, only a finite number of ideas burned themselves in my mind, day after day. the principle of which being, where the fuck am i going?

i don't read the news anymore, i don't read boingboing anymore. i read other blogs less frequently. i probably read only about three websites regularly. the surf report, red meat (weekly comic), and craigslist. i watch a lotta tv. i play a lotta ultimate. i surf when there're waves.

i think i kind of needed this, in a way. had i just gone straight into grad school it would've been more like undergrad...lots of potential with no defined outlet. i may have come to the same conclusion in that environment...that i was working for something i...well..couldn't grasp. only then i'd be paying to do it...and working harder, haha.

tonight was one'a those nights i went through the blog list...and i read eric's blog about his life not being real. and not his. and waking up one day being 29 years old at the same job and not knowing why. that's what working was like to me. i don't know enough about the world to know what i wanna do in it yet. school, albeit in my case very focused (alternative energy), right now is a bit of a stall right now. while i'm stalling i'm trying to open my background up to more, though (mechanical engineering on top of electrical). i feel like this way...when i come out and STILL don't know what the fuck i wanna do...i can stall in a new job for a little while. and hell maybe i'll come out and know what i wanna do...i'll have a much broader background to advertise myself with. and just thinking about all this excites me. i feel like i've found an open ended path. one that has many possibilites at the end of it, many outlets for my potential, and, at the same time, more focused than i was before.

i came out of college and took the first job that was offered to me. the job was almost handed to me simply because of two things: the highschool i attended and the college i attended. simple as that. i should've taken more risks. it would've forced me to think harder back then...but i hav eno idea of knowing what that would've accomplished since i look back and realize i knew very little about the world back on.

wtf am i talking about? oh yeah, i remember. kiks!. keep your cd's. i agree with everything you said about them. the liner notes, the pictures, presentation. being able to give people mixes. although despite the fact that these yuppies have access to all the songs you'd put on a mix...i still think there's value in it. i always think about this article i read about weezer's blue album and how the first song on it is probably one'a the best lead offs on any album ever created. jonas. and i always wonder how all my favorite songs end up on track 4,5, and 7 about 80% of the time. give 'em the mixed cd and tell them to upload it into a folder or playlist or however those things organize things, and it can still have that value. when i make a mix, they're never meant to be put on shuffle. i used to shuffle discs a lot way back when...but i almost never do it now. after picking all the songs i'll try and arrange them to have some typ eof flow or contrast or SOMETHING. not just a list of songs.

yeah...that's what i was talkin' about.

welcome back to the blog world kix

doubt you even read this anymore.

back to evanescence playlists these days...and freebird *shrugs*


wow wow chicawow wow

/\ my rendition of textporn music

halloween's comin'!!! i like halloween. and somehow i've made a habit of havin' a costumet hat a lotta' people like. yay me.

this year i'm contemplating elvis :) my hair's grown long enough to put into two pigtails (but not one ponytail) and in the past few weeks i've gotten lazy and grown myself a beard which has filled out a lot more since that last time i grew it out.


i figure with a lotta gel and a blowdryer i could get a pretty mean wave goin', and the rest, as they say, is at goodwill. whaddaya think?

there's an ultimate couple (they're not married, but they might as well be) that claimed the halloween party years ago and they throw a MEAN party. huge house, big lot, tents, hot tub, apparently one year they turned one room into a bubble room...ice luge (my buddy last year), and instructions to bring no alcohol. i like parties where the alcohol is provided. mmm...

the other one i thought of today was hellboy. i figure i could whip up some paper mache chopped horns and i always like painting my face red. then i just need an overcoat and some big boots.

although whippin' a mohawk outa' this mess of hair would also be clutch.

what to do, what to do. there's a theme for the party, it's "a good idea gone horribly wrong." so far i got nothing.

what are you gonna be for halloween?
