Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


and we begin a new day, in a party far far away. had a countdown to chinese new year's, i'm *that much chinese (*pinches a fraction of an inch out of the air*), i guess i can celebrate it. of course everyone else learned how to say it in chinese and i was sober, so didn't know how. after my outbreak of hives i decided i should give my immune system a little break for a bit. so yeah, i thought it would be a chill night, go home early, get some sleep, but NOOOO. i somehow end up at trish's party 'till near ending and then somehow dragging her and makiko out of their dorm with austin, kelsey, duke, elana and lawrence also and we go to wang's place in 47 claremont to listen to some sounds and laugh at eachother. it's the first time in a while i've been an 'observer' at a party and not one of the spectacles of the party. kinda weird...i think i'd rather party. throughout the night, however my lips would periodically feel puffy and a tad bit itchy, so i resisted the urge to drink time and time again.

i heard there was tequila looking to be drunk...damn.

so here i am, almost five am...sober, and very content with how my day turned out. after i woke up and the hives had gone i was about to just stay in my room and watch a movie or two 'till i fell asleep but some attractive alternatives were presented by some friends, and that was that.

hats off to drunk asian girls *admirable gesture*

'night guys and gals, sleep tight.

eric gave me some good advice:

"you just shouldn't eat"

he was responding to yet another issue i had with food today. first of all, i've never been allergic to anything in my life. today, however, we (kiks, karen, rachel, austin and liu) went to a place called aquavit for restaurant week...sweedish food. i dunno what i ate but according to rachel i got progressively redder since we'd started eating and they thought it was the alcohol. by desert, however, my fingertips had swollen, my face had swollen also, i was red and flushed, and i was breaking out in hives from the waist up. it was pretty nasty, and rather unpleasant. i started getting nauseous again, but decided not to stick my finger down my throat in a suit. i was getting a bit scared, but it stayed away from my neck and i could breath fine. the fresh cold air felt good and on the subway ride back up it had begun to recede.

got home, took off my shirt and i had hives like crazy...it was pretty nasty. i just went to sleep for two hours and it was okay though.....

so yeah, maybe i should just stop eating. my dad said i probably shouldn't drink alcohol, and i agreed. so i'm going out to a party soon.

....somebody stop me

i really have to remember to keep my alarm clock out of arms' reach. 'cause here i am, trying to get my ass up and i have the cottonmouth from hell and nothing light to drink in my room to quench my thirst....of course i just reach over and slap the snooze button hoping that if i'm asleep, i just won't feel it. so instead i had to experience that shitty feeling of 'waking up with cotton mouth' about four times. i rule.

am i supposed to be coming up with like, deep, philosophical blabber? or shall i just continue on with my usual blabber?

blabber's an interesting word.


dude....my alcohol tolerance is gettning far too high. i mean shit, i dramk for most of tonight and i get home with a bit of a buzz is all. it's not the cold is it? i feel like i'd probably have to take about three shots BEFORE i go out to actually stay drunk. damn. that'll get expensive.

whatever, at least tonight was with good company. thanks karen ;) (btw, that's not the ultimate karen, this is the karen from maui). good times, good times. but i kinda miss thte nights where i come home and can't read the newsgroup, so i decide to post my own since my fingers don't see double (i.e. i don't have to see what i'm typing). i'm sure at least some people out there remember the days of the drunken rufio posts.

highlights of my life man.....love 'em.

i'll see if i can get that going sometime.

'night world

read a good away message:

Auto response from absolut 2 7 0 (12:09:39 PM): don't you feel a little silly checking everybody's away messages?????

i laughed

then i cried.

well i didn't really cry, but it is kind of disheartening how often i go through my list and read peoples' away messages. i love getting emails. i love getting phone messages. i love getting IM messages; and i even love when a new away message comes up. good lord.

at least they're people i talk to though. for a long time i'd just keep every screename i knew so i could check up on people's lives even when we didn't talk to much, but i decided that was pretty useless so every month or so i do a little 'house cleaning' and delete all the names of people i don't talk to (or don't talk to me) at all. yeah, kinda sad, but hey, outa sight outa mind, right? of course within a day of me deleting some person's screename, he/she inevitably IM's me when i'm gone and sees that they don't get my away message and scold me for taking them off my buddylist. i can't win.

talk to me


....today sucked. last semester my wednesdays were SPECTACULAR. you know me. i don't use the word spectacular. but my wednesdays were spectacular. i had like one class, something else i can't remember, and band practice those evenings. so great. oh, and then golf. that's always cool. an 11am class on thursday made that perfectly fine to do.

this year wednesdays also may prove to be fuckin' cool because again, i have only one class. today, however, SUCKED. for one thing, since i had norwalk the past two days, i had to wake up early this morning to work on the pset i was supposed to be doing in that time. then i had class. then i had to go work on the lab prep that i was supposed to be doing whil i was sick. i didn't get very far because the suns in mudd hate me and wouldn't let me print anything. so i gave up and left, only to return to my room to finish the pset i'd been working on in the morning. finished it eventually, had a nice dinner/drinks with friends, and then did another pset. well, more like copied 'cause i was sick of it.

i was tired.

now i'm wide awake.


i wonder if i'll ever blob something happy?


so, after the initial shock of joining the masses in blogging (or as i fudged, blobbing), here i am again after a mere couple of hours.

and what better place to start than my puking and pooping escapades under the grim clutches of the dreaded norwalk virus, sure to destroy any chance of anyone ever returning to my blob ever again (yes i'm gonna call it a blob from now on methinks). so i get home from a superbowl party on sunday evening, on 116th and riverside off the m5 (i just wanted to get my ass home, i caught the first bus downtown i saw) in the snow. i'd been feeling queazy ever since i'd downed large bowls of homemade chilli (good stuff drew) and egg rolls compliments of yang. and one and a half buds. fucking bud. so yeah, i thought i ate too much. then i thought i ate something bad. then i heard christian in the back of my head, "norwalk, norwalk, norwalk". oh god. i wouldn't wish this shit on my worst enemy.

*weak stomached readers stop here*

so for the next eight hours or so i intermittently puke explosive puke convulsing so bad i'm afraid i might break my fucking back again. in between these bouts with my bowels i pass out for about an hour of exhausted sleep, only to wake up reaching for the trash can again. around 6am is the last time i remember seeing a clock, and i wake up on and off to take care of 'other things' (not puking at least) on and off 'till 8pm. go back to sleep at 11pm, so ends monday. wake up 9am today, class up the ass. eat my frist meal in 39 hours with liu and austin, french toast. sat....okay...but still a bit queazy. class class study, soup, and here i am, still queazy. but at least now it's coming out of the right oriface (sorry you had to hear that)

so ends my first real blob.

stay tuned!

i've given in. here it is. blog.

i used to post a lot on the ultimate newsgroup, but i think they hate me.

so then i used a subprofile...but that has far too many ads.

so now....here i am.

my solution to the world's pains: burn it off.