Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


the plan

weekend starts...tonight!

-thursday night-
bbq at chris' for kaimana tournament team (ultimate)
night surf? (unsure)

-friday night-
dawn patrol (crack of dawn surf)
night surf
some random party

bok choy hat draw tournament
halloween party at ka`a`awa complete with ice luge and bubble room maybe

find my clothes
perhaps surf
head back to waikiki to party with local crew

ooooh boy. it's gonna be an interesting weekend.

we'll see if i survive it.

*bubbly toes*



is it kosher to recycle halloween costumes if the people i'll be partying with HAVEN'T SEEN IT BEFORE!? these past two years have been my best costumes ever, and i was thinkin' of recycling my junior year costume. i've got a pretty wicked set of sideburns to add to the sketchiness, but not quite the hair for the mohawk, although i can mohawk my hair with some KNOX, heh heh.

i could always combine the past two years and go as a devil pirate. i hate spending money on something i'll use once.....

btw, is it even kosher to take digital pics of analog pics? hmmm...... Posted by Hello


so this weekend's kinda quiet. maybe 'cause i tried to start it early by going to see a band on thursday night. slept five hours and friday was PAINFUL. lost our league game that night...13-12. shit. was a pretty rough game. other team was getting pissy, it was rainy...lotsa drops. i got like three layout d's poaching the lane :)

i was dead afterwards, though...that still didn't keep us from hangin' out on the field grillin' 'till about midnight when the sprinklers finally got us..then we were going to mitch's place and laura gets miffed for having an open container in a park parking lot...haha. oops. then i slept a lot...ahhhh

yesterday was surf, punk show, more sleep. today...i'm just fuckin' lazy. hmmm...don't think i've actually blogged in a while...that's rare. pretty uneventful week *shrugs*. ...in some ways.



this is looking back where we came from...that's drew stumbling to the finish line. that madman ran THIRTY FUCKIN' KILOMETERS earlier in the mroning. caught us just before we started the hike (he planned to come if he could make it) and was slow, but he did it (seven miles, round). we actually left him back behind us about 40 minutes before the summit...and outa' nowhere he shows up! ridiculous. amazing, drew, amazing. you might remember him from the moss sliding pics from a few weeks ago :) Posted by Hello

this weird crater we found at the back of a valley...we're gonna try and hike to it soemtime...which'll prolly take a little bit'a bushwhacking but it looks like fun. that light green LOOKS like just grass...it's really weird and completely out of place. sounds like fun! Posted by Hello

got some ultimate peeps together for a hike up the lanipo trail above wilhemina (kaimuki). ben, some dumbass, tammy, nancy, johnny, and fran. takin' the pic is chris, fran's husband. behind us is the windward coast 'cause we came from the leeward side and hiked along a valley ridge to reach this cliff. Posted by Hello



for the last three days i've gotten 40+ hits...nedstat says a lot of them are from searches on that stupid phone number. and then that girl wrote that retarded comment. it really is just something about me, but i absolutely hate when people assume i don't know something. is it really that hard to fuckin' ASK!? even it's something little like that...some girl i don't even know responding to what was probably a pretty vague post...judging from my english skills :) but it still bugs the shit outa' me. i REALLY hope i never do it to anyone...because i try as hard as i can not to. i remember distinctly the times when i did accidentally assume something and offend someone. once was my friend's little sister. i took them out bodyboarding one day on a huge south swell and, worrying about her safety, i asked if she could swim. i meant 'swim' as in like...big scary waves and retarded locals on surfboards. yeah...beth told me later that she was really pissed that i'd asked that. then at columbia i asked at least four people if they could rollerblade....and almost killed all four 'cause they lied to me (you bastards).

but yeah, few things really bother me. that does. if you don't fuckin' know me, then just ask. or you might offend me. and then i'll never talk to you again. or maybe i'll just...kill your puppies. then we can be friends again. i know it's just a small, selfish thing to a lot of people, which makes me even more of an asshole (story of my life), but i can't help it *shrugs*

lol, this'll be really funny if i actually do know this mary....hrm...oh well. assumption is bad. BAD.

i'd ask for any instances that i've offended someone...but i imagine one of two things'll happen. one...nobody'll respond (as usual). or two...i probably meant to :) i'm pretty sure more people out there hate my guts than i really think, but if i feel like i'm getting on someone's nerves when i don't want to, i'll usually try and just stay outa' their way. i'm not one to bend much for that kind of thing. if you don't like who i am, then there's rarely any reason to be friends. isnt' that how friends usually work? not in all circles. women, for example. haha. yeah i'm not even gonna' explain that.

...i was just gonna blog about traffic...but that was more interesting...

ultimate tomorrow. green goin' DOWN. and i already have a team for a tournament in march or april...and a team for a tournament in february...i'm gonna be playin' a lotta ultimate...sweet.


thundercats outtakes!?

fuckin' hilarious.
and i rarely post links. this is worth it.



so i had a missed call and message on my phone when i got outa' the water today...my mom was informing me that the heater was busted and i should find a warm shower on my way home if i want...far too lazy for that.

so i come home...remembered it...ten minutes ago. go outside, poke around, play with the timer, flip the breaker a few times....and eventually find a little red button on the heater. *shrugs....pokes button*. i turn the breaker back on (there were exposed wires, i turned it off) and heard a little hissing sound. gave it a few minutes, turned on the water, voila.

i think this is where the thing overheats and burns my house down....sweet. i'm pretty sure the problem's either with the thermostat or the timer...both a whole lot cheaper than a water heater. if it's the thermostat it prolly woulda' tripped the breaker, though...so i think the timer just pooped and didn't turn on...we'll see tomorrow...it's on a manual override right now...gotta remember to turn that off (save electricity) when it gets hot again.

...not that i was actually going to take a shower...i was surfing.

oh....haha...i have either a barnacle or sea shell stuck in my surfboard. duckdove right into the reef today 'cause i was surfing at low tide at a really shallow reef. interesting ding...i'm debating whether to just glass it over or pull it out....

burn baby burn


kaveh gave us all spiffy white boards for our teams...this is blue's cheer to us sung to the tune of "i like big butts" by sir mix-a-lot (i think). funny as hell. i think those 'itty bitty fakes' were me 'cause i was fuckin' huckin' it all night. kenny, this guy who i'm always trash talkin' (returning the favor) hates my forehand so he just marks me straight up and i was fakin' him out all night. i found a backhand huck somewhere...where'd that come from???

either way, the cheer was hilarious Posted by Hello


hmm...i wonder if i should stop hookin' up with older women any time soon....

jumped, as usual. but hell, that's always fun.

in other news...played a BRUTAL game at ultimate last night. we had five people show up and we picked up two...good players but not stars or anything. talking to a friend who was watching later he said here was the fake: *tiny fake backhand, huge forehand huck*. yeah, that was me he was talking about. my cocaptain was gone so i was pretty much in charge of the team and i think i did a pretty good job. i did kinda hog the disc, but i was successful most of the time and tried to get everyone participating. what i am proud of is the AWESOME d my team played. everyone ran to the end. we did have 4 more show up late, thank god. i played 15 points savage and rested only three points the entire game....and we won 15-9 :) hot game. great spirit. great intensity. great finish (we took off from 11-9)

played tennis of all things with tammy today. another friend dan, too, but he bailed early to go to a dance concert. we didn't play a game, just hit around a lot. ws good fun, i think i might start doing it more. i haven't picked up my tennis racket in about six years i think....or something close to that. she'd probably beat me in a game, though. muhc more consistent and polished game than my erratic shit. gimme a few more swings, though, i'll find it again. i used to be ablet o beat my mom....heh...pretty sure she'd kill me. after tennis tammy and i met up with some other friends at this free outdoor concert and KCC. saw this band (duo) called hapa...slack key guitarists. this one guy...irish guy of all things...playd the most WICKED fuckin' guitar i've ever seen. at least for that style. dude has serious composing skill. i REALLY like his stuff. gonna go find some...and try and be inspired, heh. afterwards, tammy and i just...chilled and talked...for a couple hours...*sigh*

it's amazing how often things happen with two different girls on consecutive nights with me....that's really gonna get me in trouble one'a these days...

more than words


a rare quiet moment with this dog. he's (i think) nine years and the little dude (okay not so little dude) almost never just chills out when we're around. always watchin' us...slightest movement or sound and he perks up and wants to know what's up. you have no idea how long i had to wait for him to calm down again after i stood up to get my camera....interesting thing, though. i realized a long time ago that he doesn't respond to the telivision, no matter what's goin' on. could be the biggest explosion or fuckin' lassie barking...nothing. i never really contemplated it 'till last night...my first whim way back when was that since it didn't smell, he knew it wasn't real or something...(he smells everything). but last i thought maybe he can just hear all the shit in the signal that we can't and knows it's comin' from a box a big boring box that smells like plastic and will never feed him or pet him....interesting. i'm gonna test it sometime if/when i get some kind of audio setup...try recording my voice at different bitrates/sample rates and see if he responds to it. like a highschool science project! or maybe that won't smell good either....

sleepysleepbeau Posted by Hello


there's the shirt jessica gave me for my birthday...two months late :) perfect timing!!! Posted by Hello

jordan you bastard. Posted by Hello


had quite a weekend...seemed to stretch it out as loooong as possible, always nice :) started early, ended late.

friday afternoon after my first day of work at my new workplace, i was gonna go home and nap/shower/change/eat before i went out for dinner and drinkin' with some friends. also to grab all the gear i needed for ultimate on saturday 'cause i was crashin' at moani's place. sitting in traffic, i got pissed off, ran everything through my head andr ealized i had all my shit in the car that i REALLY needed (a bit short on clean clothes) so i said fuck it and didn't go home. just went and hung out at mo's waiting for the party to convene. gathering karma, i recieved a...two month old birthday present from jessica...a perfect party shirt...karmic because i had no clean shirts and was about to borrow one from either mo's boyfriend, which he would not have liked, or sheldon, which he would've had to swing by home for. the perfect gift :)

somehow spent 60 bucks that night buying everyone drinks. oh well. passed out on the table as well 'cause the day had just been too long. still had fun...what i remember of it. and luckily there're pictures to fill in the things i'd rather not remember anyway...

slept for four hours. drove still drunk to my friend and co-captains place (10 min. drive) and hitched a ride to the ultimate fields (far). still buzzin', started first game, moved on to hangover. played like a madman for three games (record 2-1, all great games)...didnt' break! nice. sore, but no injuries despite numerous retarded layouts and hospitals. i fuckin' love ultimate.

slept for 15 horus after deciding NOT to go out on saturday night. woke up and went to a classic car show with my mom :) mmm....so sweet. she had a good time, i was glad. afterwards she dropped me off at a friend's bbq and i chilled there for way too long...caught a rare ride home with a friend who was nice enough to divert his drive home to my side (the longer way around a mountain)...slept not enough, got to work 'late' (it's flexible)...and here i am. they actually told me to just chill because i finished the job they gave me too fast...oh well.

i was trying to keep that short.

oh, best (unresolved) conversation at the bbq (sort of) was whether or not women actually liked shaved balls. or, rather, 'trimmed', shaved, or all natural. most of the chicks just laughed....'cept this one japanese girl (havin' trouble with her accent) who admitted she thought it was just weird. she a was a lto more...er...forward than she seemed judging from when i first met her, heh. always the quiet/sweet ones you gotta keep an eye on....

good times. saw lotsa people. met lots more. did lots. ate lots. drank lots. ultimated lots...no surf....but that's okay.
