Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy BIRTHday to meee
happy birthday to me.




yo, so

i start a lot of thigns like that.

had a nice weekend.  i surfed everyday since wednesday 'till saturday and finally chilled on sunday 'cause i got burned.  public service anouncement, they're serious when they say apply sunscreen 20-30 mins. before sun exposure...especially surfing around noon :)  oh well.  was nice.

partied some, movied some (dolla movies!), drank...er...kinda lots.  left a bottle of JD at my friend's house in town for frequent pregames...here we go.  and yo, so my team (fuck, did it again) finally won a game in summer league :)  not that it really bothered me.  i just like to play.  but yeah, the funniest thing was that i had NO FUCKIN' IDEA WE WERE WINNING until it was hardcapped and we 'won' 'cause we were up like six points or something.  we had one more point to play so someone said "let's put in the rookies for a Z since we already won".  i even thought i heard that wrong and had to confirm it later.  even more funny?  we were NEVER down.  someone commented that that's why i musta' been playin' so hard...and i was.  i was pretty fuckin' on it on D.  about halfway into the game my guy started chillin' near the sideline on the breakside dump...and never got the disc...i think they were keeping me outa' the point.  pissed me off so i started just yelling at people (heh) heckling and shit...i was kinda flattered, though.  that's never happened to me before....

so yeah, we won.  we cheered.  we drank.  we heckled.  we had the first of two rounds so we busted out a cooler and hit it.  at the end of the second round me and craig couldn't drive so we went to a sushi place w/ a buncha' others and ate, then got driven back.  one'a the guys payed for the whole thing...for like NINE of us....amazing.  i love ultimate.

woke up early the next morning 'cause my friend called me to go surf.  completely forgot candace was havin' a kind informal last minute 'graduation lunch' at 11:30.  i got outa' the water at 12:30 to find 3 missed calls (her) and a message (her) so i called her back, everyone was 'kinda late' anyway so i just went, it was close.  she's less irritating than she used to be, i guess.  but i still don't wanna deal with her.  too much history/pain/evil thoughts....haha.

i'm a little bastard.


spent sunday loungin' and greasin' up raimi.  finally let my mom drive 'er.  i just wanted her to do it in the daylight...and i'm never home in the day (surf).  she did fine...didn't grind my gears or anything, didn't drive like ME....haha.

oooooooh.  shitballs hit me today.  when i left work (so glad to leave today, rough day) i just hightailed it outa' there....and finally on the freeway onramp realized that i'd been on EMPTY for two days.  i tried using as little gas as possible getting to the next gas station i was absolutely sure of....went in neutral, down a hill, up a hill (the offramp) ALMOST got caught behind a bus...but it pulled out just in time....and i was gonna give it one more blast to clear an intersection and roll into the gas station......

BUT.  that last blast killed my engine 'cause there was NO gas....luckily i realized it fast enough (the power steering locked up, brakes were tough as hell.....if you've ever been stalled in a rolling car with power steering and power breaks....you know what i'm talkin' about...if not, it just gets ridiculously hard to turn the wheel or push the breaks....) and shoved the clutch in (disengage the gears, which woulda' stopped the car kinda fast).....rolled REALLY slowly (still slightly downhill) through a red light, soon enough that nobody had moved yet, and even slower into the gas station fighting my steering wheel to not hit a pump.


i filled up 20.3 gallons.  my tank is 21 gallons.  maybe being on a hill sloshed that last .7 gallons in some unusable corner of my gas tank.....either way, after filling up raimi started up and immediately died and i almost pissed my pants.  pumped the gas, started her again with LOTSA gas and she roared to life again.  *whew*

never again.  i don't have a resettable odometer.  i just have the constant one that shows how far the car's run in it's lifetime.  yay old cars......

so that was fuckin' scary.  but i'm kind of proud of how perfect it worked out.  i coulda' been up shit creek either ON THE FREEWAY or on a fuckin' freeway offramp with no gas.  yikes.

fun fun




i just thought it was a cute word.

so i'm finally getting the hang of this civl eng. CAD program i have to use for work.  like any corporate program, this thing's got so many fuckin' bells and whistles.  i can sit there for an hour trying to figure out something one'a the guys can show me in five seconds...ugh.  but they're very helpful...even though they have no idea why i'm working there :)

something really weird happened today.  remember that waitress at amcaff that always used to hook us up with reserved tables and and early dollar pints?  chanel, or however you spell it (shah-nell).  i think i mighta' saw her today....if you don't already know she is indeed from hawaii which is how i started talkin' to her.  but i was walkin' by a restaurant and i coulda' sworn it was her.  unfortunately i had to be somewhere (heh...ultimate) and woulda' felt REALLY weird if it wasn't her (it was from a distance, albeit a nearly empty open air restaurant....i think i have her email address saved somehwere...maybe i should try and find it.

she was cute ;)

either way, goes to show how much of a pussy i am.  heh.  oh well, not that i give a shit.  like i said, i'm enjoying my life a lot right now.  although i really have to start watching my injuries...shit.  my knee was scraped for about three weeks 'cause i'd rip it open playing ultimate, surfing AND EVEN AT WORK....i think i almost dislocated my shoulder today....twice.  one was an "amazing bid" (as they said) for an unsuccessful d, and the other was for a sweet leaping, trailing edge sky that this guy thought i was nowhere near.....of course both i was sprinting my all and hit the ground HARD...managing to roll (i make it a point to do that at least) but really straining a tendon or something in the back of my shoulder.  i think it'll be fine...but i have....11 more days of not having medical insurance....ugh.

and another south swell's comin' in on thursday :)  my boss hooked me up and is letting me store my board in a corner at work during the day so i don't have to worry about it baking either in or on my car.  score.  now i can go surf after work and miss rushour completely!

and one hour workin' on raimi and i'm wide awake again...fuck.  it really amps me up....that's one thing that sucks about any hobby or something i get into.  that's why i'm an insomniac, too many hobbies.  i can't think of ultimate, surfing, driving....none'a that if i'm trying to sleep.  it's really weird.  but i guess it's kind of a good thing....reassurance that i'm alive.

are you alive?

there needs to be a shortcut key for "publish post".  i hate mice.  and yes i know somehwere out there probably knows already.  and yes i am asking.  pressing 'tab' twenty times just isn't worth it.






thid base?

so i finally got under raimi's skirt this evening.  got all up in there, jacked 'er up high, climbed on under there and explored some hot, sweaty fluids.  so hot she actually burnt my hand...even through the gloves.
good thing i was wearing safety goggles before i poked my nose around under there.  she's a lotta woman....but unfortunately i think she's leaking from just about everywhere...read more on the car blog if you feel like it.
in other news....i couldn't fuckin' sleep last night 'cause i kept running all these BEAUTIFUL fuckin' waves through my head from my surf session earlier that day.  made work...painful.  but hey...i got through it.  looks like i finally got myself into something i'll have to keep doing for quite a while....updating maps....ouch.  but hey, it's a good way to learn the CAD program as well as all the lingo.
ultimate tomorrow
maybe surf wednesday and thursday (anotyher south swell hits thursday)
ultimate friday
partyparty.  i'm really enjoying life right now.....
oh, and newcastle was on sale at costco....buck each for a case.  amazing!

mmm...the sweet smell of cod liver oil.

man, this just migh be the longest i've ever gone without blogging....so sad.  or perhaps a good thing, up to you.
been pretty busy lately.  during the week i play ultimate thre times a week mostly.  tues/thurs. is pickup and friday is summer league.  my team color is sweaty aloha shirts (hilarious) and our team name is somewhere between "weekend at bernie's" or "bastard son of a thousand crazed maniacs" (name the reference?).  we're not the greatest team, but we have a helluva time.  very down to earth crowd mostly interetesed in having fun.  we had two games last last week, and one game this past week.  the pregression has risen from getting killed to TYING this last game in a spectacular game.  very heated, but still very spirited for the most part.  every team always has to have at least ONE of "those guys" who decide to pick dumb fights because viagra doens't happen to work on them or something.  oh well.  two of the studs from the other team gave me big props after the game, one of them even calling me the mvp....that felt really good.  i handle on my team...and in the past month whatever team i play on.  one'a the guys who i play with a lot (he wasn't playing) was telling the other team not to let me throw my forehand because "it's too good".....they forced me forehand and i scored.  heh heh.
we play right at dusk and into the night on a lit field usually finishing at 9:30pm or so when the lights abruptly go out....then we bus' out the beer.  i love this fuckin' place.
gotta get to work,



raimi it is (see austin's comments on last post)

heh, and speaking of raimi, i finally have car insurance :) my dad was being very slow and inefficient in getting me covered under his, which i thought would save me some money. turns out that since I own the car, and not him (the head of household), they wanted to charge me a shitload. instaed, i just called geico and got immediate coverage in about ten minutes just now.

so i'm all legal, baby. i was technically covered anyway. since i was covered under my dad i was PERSONALLY covered, just not the car. i think that meant liabilities were fine, just not collision.

i woke up at 2:30pm today :) twelve hours' sleep, always nice. started summer league last night. our team got rocked the first game, but actually came kinda close the second game. we'll definitely get a lot better as we learn to play with eachother, though. it was nice to get back out there...except i hurt like hell today....

and they've discovered that i can throw near-full field hammers :) or, i showed them, rather. they were impressed. and said i should do it more.




pronounced ray-me

means "i don't know what the fuck it means"

i found it a few years back from that retarded busblog thing...(google busblog). the dude has a friend named raymi who called herself raymi the minx in HER blog, i just thought raymi was a cool name. in checking for it just now, i realize that i spelled it wrong in my originial search...and raymi brings up all kinds of weird shit on thie minx girl...

i like the porn googles much more so i'll keep my mispelled raimi :) looking at it now, rai looks nothing like ray (phonetically), but that's okay. still mine.

damnit, now it's bothering me. i lied. i'll decide on a spelling later...


new girlfriend

so i have a new girlfriend, she's 26, beautiful curves, brunette, yellow eyes, and weighs 3420 pounds. i spent all night stroking her and lathering her with love.

her name is raimi :)

and another night w/ five hours' sleep. shit.

oh well


add it up

mmm...i have to start sleeping more. oh well. went to a friend's wedding yestday morning :) that was nice. makes you really reflect on yourself when you see your friends moving on in life like that...they both looked so happy, it was good to see a friend make that big step and be happy with it. they'd been together for years, and had been through more one of the hardest times i could imagine experiencing...i'd rather not talk about it though.

either way, good day. went to a bbq at a friend's later that day, hung out, ate lots, drank beer. candace came by briefly and got mad at me (secretly) 'cause she thought i was avoiding her completely when she sat down or something and i went to pee. fuckin' women...either way, she had something she HAD to tell me that i prolly shouldn't publish here (he look discretion!) that she thought might make me hate her less. ehh, not really. fancy a guess.

then today woke up early in the morning (too early) to go to the swap meet. not sure if you people know what that is...i guess it could also be called a flea market. i was lookin' for tools, mostly. for my girl :) speaking of which, i'm AAAALMOST decided on calling her misty. kinda mysterious (even for just the alliteration), little cute, little scary, little porn star...heh. my brother suggested chasey (lain), my sis suggested cheyenne among other things (rock-za?)...i was also considering lockheed and raimi. i'm gonna leave child naming up to the poor girl who has mine....(if, of course).

more money spent on the girl...of course it's blogged (in a few minutes of course).



so work is cool

learned a new cadd program today...always fun. laying cable is a BITCH, man. these poor guys have to do so much research to find out what's under the roads before they end up bustin' a gas pipe and blowin' up city hall or something...madness. THEN, after they find these things, they have to INPUT them into the cadd drawings! of course everything has to be aligned through some type of standard...and you try that on a real life section of land...it's not flat, it's not always stable, this that and the other....it's pretty crazy.

but they wanted me to start from the ground up so starting tuesday i'm gonna start going out in the field and seeing how they do surveying. hah, that's pretty cool. i'm psyched to be able to get out. the company i was first workin' for (SSFM) atually sent me to their subcontractor, centerpoint, who does all their surveying. i'm there for 3 months, then going back to SSFM for three months...then moving on to the second company of four.

fun fun.

oh and they keep makin' me come in earlier...yesterday was 8:30, today was 7:30, and tuesday i have to be in by 6:45...i'm not really complaining 'cause i get to miss traffic the earlier i end up going. just gotta...sleep....oi.
