Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


i'm published!


lol, not quite the greatest type of publication but whatever. oddly enough, i submitted this to 'overheard everywhere'...i was at a bar and she did NOT have a bikini on .... weird....

still funny.


upper downer

the only thing i really, deep down inside, HATE about biking is being sober when i get home.....



eh, no drop in

two days ago i got dropped in on by a fuckin' kayak (fucker almost killed me, apologizing all the way down the face)

yesterday i got dropped in on my an 18 y/o roxy pro surfer chick (carissa moore)

i fully expect to get dropped in on my a monk seal next.....



i had to tell someone....

but didn't want to offend anyone personally ;)

9AM But He's Gonna Die in There If You Don't Keep Him Wet

Admin assistant: What do you mean you don't have sex? You live with your boyfriend!
Receptionist: Yeah, once you have the fish in the boat, there's no reason to keep throwing out the lure.

12th Street
Portland, Oregon

via http://www.overheardintheoffice.com/