whaddup homefries. i'm heading offisland today. i'll be in hilo for the next two weeks and then maui for about two and a half weeks. internet will be internet cafes so don't assume i'm dead. yay.
lookin to come back around feb. 18th
my self-inflicted panopticon failed.
whaddup homefries. i'm heading offisland today. i'll be in hilo for the next two weeks and then maui for about two and a half weeks. internet will be internet cafes so don't assume i'm dead. yay.
so i popped the valve covers finally...and found at least one problem, or result of some other problem (i'd have to dig deeper). some pics to show on raimi's page, of course.
so every once in a while i'll check an email in gmail and reach up for the 'archive' button...when OOPS! i hit the 'all' button. and without thinking, i correct my miss and hit the archive button and aaaaall the emails i was planning on answering eventually get thrown into the lump sum of my life.
pics better serve to describe my weekend: