Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


knockwurst first

sprained my fuckin' ankle again...i think. it's kinda weird, i didn't really notice it while i was playing on wednesday night until after i'd taken my cleats off. swelled and hurt just a little, and a lot more the next morning. doens't feel like a normal sprain either...feels more...meaty. i don't know how to explain it...my first thoughtw as that i fractured a bone in there somewhere 'cause only very specific movements hurt it (for example biking doesn't hurt at all and, well, i ran on it all night). don't remember doing anything bad to it while i was playing *shrugs*.

either way, takin' a day off of ultimate tonight. i'll just go, drink, and yell :) i'm good at that (in that order?).

and i mildly sprained my FINGER too! wtf. i wasn't even drinking that night, what's with the phantom injuries? no clue how that happened, just woke up on thursday and my left index finger can't bend all the way. minor, just needs rest...but still...fuck.

house hunting still blows. the things we do for our pets :) beau's now 13 years old...we picked him up from the humane society at 5 months old (and about 70 lbs. lighter). i'm just showing him the same love he showed me. he's such a cutie, too.

and *sigh*, raimi's posted for sale. hopefully it'll be short'n sweet. all it'll take is for someone to fall in love with her like i did. hawaii's a small place...there aren't a whole lotta cars here that really stand out. wherever she is she makes a statement. just need someone who's lookin' to make that statement.



this is my new desktop, so cute!:


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so fucking true.

Angry cop: Fucking college kids make me sick. It's disgusting. You're the smartest most retarded people in the world!

Easton Avenue
New Brunswick, New Jersey



mind over pasta

so i've discovered a new superpowe (and yes i do have others). i can dream and earthquake and it'll actually happen!!!

that's not entirely true...what really happened was that an earthquake started and instead of waking up first i incorporated it into a dream where i was watching a documentary about earthquakes and they were "recounting" some classic earthquake showing how it would pulse stronger and stronger...and then it finally got so strong i woke up and realized what was going on.

keep in mind my bed is lofted about 4.5 ft. high and i was hungover after having slept 4 hours...i was very attentive, and it didn't seem like she was gonna break, so i just stayed there and eventually it stopped and i passed out again. then my bro calls...i'm too lazy to pick it up. then he calls again and, knowing that's the international sign for "pick up the frickin' phone," i picked it up thinkin' there was something wrong with him...and he's like...are you okay? i'm like...huh, news travels fast. his gf's mom had called him. he called my sister. THEY called me...i just wanted to frickin' sleep! eitherw ay, finally got up for a while after talkin' to him and my sis and mom, listened to the radio for a little while (on my MP3 player 'cause the power was knocked out) and it was all fine. so i went back to sleep 'till noon, took beau for a walk, surfed for four hours, cooked in the dark, read by candlelight for a little while, adn then the power came back on so i could watch tv.

all in all, an interesting sunday. all my plans were shot to shit 'cause the cell waves were all packed and i couldn't get in touch with my friends very well...and there was a storm at the same time so that didn't help...yeah. useless day. then i needed a drink and naturally don't have beer, and i expected all the beer at the supermarket to be warm...so i made a martini...that i'm still trying to finish. this fuckers don't go down too easy....

oh, earthquake was rated highest at a 6.6. what surprised me most (geekin' it up) was the frequency of the rumbles. i always excpected it to sound/feel like the ground shaking, up down rock cracking sorta thing....but instead it was just a REALLY powerful....hum. definitely in the audible range and very regular. the strength of it (amplitude) went up and down (up higher every time until the last one) and every time it did i'd be holding my breath wondering how bad it would get...then it would relax again. but yeah...didn't rumble like...say...an avalanche (movie sounds) or rock slide...or how they make them sound in movies. it hummed.

the amount of energy required to move that much mass SUSTAINED at such a high frequency is ridiculous.

fun shit!

*hums a tune*


burn the diary, keep the match

so for the first time in a LONG time, i did next to nothing for an entire weekend :)/:(

i haven't quite decided how i feel about that.

on the one hand, it did feel good to be alone with my thoughts...on the other hand my own thoughts got kind of boring and/or tedious. watched a lotta tv, borrowed "domino" and watched that which was pretty cool, and went to a pretty chill birthday bbq. cleaned a little, organized a little, folded some clothes that were getting a little too close to my dirty pile...shit like that. considered about a dozen times pickin' up a guitar and makin' some noise...didn't happen. considered getting my board and jumpin' in the water...no waves. considered throwing beau in the water instead...his hip is bad again (he goes through phases). considered doing some homework...heh..yeah...right.

perhaps it was a good break since i had a pretty easy week last week and that led to a lot of spontaneous drinking...oops.

being alone with my thoughts has brought on the rather unsettling reawakening of tamthoughts. no thanks to a friend(s who've decided to bring her up more often for some reason. is that just a coincidence? i dunno... just hurting all over again. dreaming about her doesn't help a single bit, either. shitballs.

shifting gears, the one productive piece of work i did all weekend was go through raimi's blog and notate all the repairs/new parts. pretty much all that's left is to vacuum her and post her on craigslist. so sad :( i read through the entire blog from day 1 (June 21, 2004) and relived all the sweat, blood and time i put into that car. gonna be a sad stage in my life to close. i hope only to be reopened later in life.



pop my eye out

so i've decided that i'm sorta like popeye...only instead of spinach i pop pixy stix. and instead of my forearms exploding it's my brain.

short skirt and wide open

one'a those days that i opened this window with nothing to say. well...things i WANT to say but probably shouldn't. look at me...discretion. whod've tought.

so mah man weston is on vacation and his girl's outa' town so naturally....we drink a lot. happened to hvae an easy work week as far as homework and "work" so it worked out well...although i think i've actually stressed myself out MORE since i go to school everyday tired and (at least today) hungover. fuuuuck. that's what i get for drinkin' lotsa whiskey i suppose, but it was a good night. and a random dinner. sourdough bread, pepperoni and red pepper cheese taste great toasted when you're trashed. again, whod've thought.

women fuckin' trouble me. it's too bad i like them too much. or too often? i dunno. i've been doing a PRETTY good job of keeping myself busy enough that it's not a problem all that often....but yeah, i suppose it's inevitable. i miss it. my mind wanders. and i drink more.

4L sangria jug's almost done...time for another one perhaps...
