Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



while i'm extremely happy that finding cleats this year (usually just under a full year) only took 2 stores IN TOWN (last time i did like 5 stores and had to drive like an hour to pearl city finally) in a total of like, half an hour, for the second year THEY ONLY HAD MY GODDAMN SIZE IN BRIGHT SHINY FUCKING WHITE.

seriously guys, wtf.

it was the 2nd to last 11 in the house though. the other was a copa...outa' my price range!

Puma did me good last time, we'll see how this one goes.....


warm food and a blanket

you think homeless people just do something to get in jail sometimes? i mean shit, it's warm food and a roof over your head. gotta be more comfortable than a central park bench, no?

yeah...this is wha i think about while i write my thesis. kaimana was AWESOME. duke came down and played on a team called voltron, he said he'll try and get down next year. unfortunately i couldn't hang with him much at all before the tourney 'cause i was writing just about every waking minute...ugh.

BUT, comin' down the line. 'nother mild all nighter and i'm gonna try and be done by noon tomorrow...then...emptying kegs.

heartburn is gone, but my throat is scratchy :( and no, i wasn't kissin' anyone (....much).

work it



it is pretty amazing how, while i should be clicking away at the keyboard writing this damn thesis, instead i could probably sit here and watch my little gnat trap (desk lamp and a tupperware of soapy water) catch gnats instead....

i would never survive 8-5 right now, haha....



absent mind

in one day:

woke up with my contacts on...which doesn't even happen when i'm so drunk i don't remember getting back to my damn tent.

left my headlights on...in the afternoon. i don't even know when the fuck or why the fuck i turned them on but got back to my car after work and *click*! fuck.

sucked balls and licked ass at poker tonight.

i need to write this thesis.


i miss undergrad....

And No Tequila As Underwear

University girl: So tonight -- no tequila, and we wear underwear.


Overheard by: Regretting the bottle of tequila in my backpack



sweet meats

dinner tonight: leftover zippy's zip pac (spam and teri beef) and rice w/ furikake. not quite enough so i fried two eggs, smashed 'em into the rice (runny eggs) and drowned it in shoyu. do you think there's any way i need more salt?

i do wonder actually. i crave bloody steak, i'm always tired. someone once suggested i need more iron so i started taking feminine 1-a-days...i don't think it made much difference. oddly enough i haven't had a cold in like 9 months. maybe it's all the drinking...

and for the first time in a long time, i'm having some pretty bad insomnia. not like, can't fall asleep like normal, but waking up every fucking hour of the night and tossing and turning. it's brutal. and makes for some FUCKED up dreams...i keep having all these people from my distant past visit me....very interesting (and not the usual).

of course it's probably because i'm stressin' out. i have ONE more set of tests to do for my thesis but the computer crashed yesterday when one'a the other guys tried to change the power source. shite. don't REALLY need the tests for my thesis, more like icing on the cake but would be nice. i wanted to get everything done and THEN start writing so....now i'm starting the writing without a clear conclusion but whatever, i've got a lotta gibberish i gotta go through 'cause i picked such a weird project (polymer solar cells). my entire experimental procedure is made up 'cause it's not like there's a manual for it. meaning i made a LOT of mistakes and learned the hard way....

and i fuckin' hate writing. i get a pretty graph and i lose interest, i don't wanna write five pages about it.


also means i'll be siting at a computer a lot...so i'll most likely be posting more : )

see ya' soon