Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.



hahaha, i thought of something funny (and kind of sad at the same time). she made me feel like a puppy she was trying to train sometimes. yay.

on another note, along with insomnia sometimes comes bouts of narcolepsy. people normally tend to have both (go figure)...but i think i'm on the second phase now. i seriously COULD NOT stay awake last night. it was funky. not just *yawn* i'm tired. like walking from the couch to my bed was 10 miles away and i had lead weights in my pants (usually just brass). left work early today just 'cause i could, hoping to come home and do some work...and again. needed a nap, turned the alarm off twice, and woke up 3 hours later still tired....

i hate this shit. i want my life back!

almost. few revisions (did i tell you i defended my thesis successfully last week? yay!)

kick it up a notch!


hey jealousy

it's interesting to me how after "deciding" to myself that i don't want her anymore, i'm still jealous of seeing her with someone else? the most sense it makes to me is that she didn't choose me. i wasn't enough. i didn't work for her. in the end i think i decided first that i wasn't happy, but i think that's only because she was still hoping i was what she wanted me to be; when i wasn't.

and she'll find someone one day. someone who fits better. someone who has all the qualities i don't have. feels better. works better with her.

and once upon a time i wanted that to be me.

and i'll be jealous.


new bands

quite possibly one of the best things that ever happened to my music library was the inevitable crash of my old mismanaged harddrive. a huge chunk of my old library is backed up on an x-girlfriend's harddrive, but as of yet has gone unclaimed.

usually what i do is hit up pandora.com (AMAZING if you've never been, go go go) and what i've come up with in the past buncha' months:

emilie simon (i'm in love with her too...french electronica)
mars volta (knew the name, been suggested to me before, finally pirated it)
bat for lashes (friend's answer to emilie simon)
lily allen
sara bareilles (such cute songs, and a beautiful voice)
hot chip
smoosh (like...3 10-15 y/o sisters, amazingly talented)

expanded on:
dispatch/one fell swoop
the national
john butler trio
the faint (which i listened to so much i actually had to stop)

wanna trade?