so something i've noticed...i'm pretty sure no engineer knows how to end a conversation. i don't know how many times in the office i'll start talkin' about something with someone...and then it just comes to this awkward silence where we both don't know what to say next. yeah, i AM an engineer. half the time at least i can just turn back to my computer and start drawin' shit again...bot if it's at like lunch or something it's like...uh.... *bite lip, don't laugh*. i can at least pull the "i don't know anybody" card...but yeah. awkward.
is it just engineers? or geeks in general. what's wrong with us?
*drinks beer*
night surf (full moon!) and camping tomorrow night after north shore surf....4-6 ft. fuck i'm gonna die. 'twill be fun :)
and no austin i haven't fucked it up yet. keep reading.
*drinks beer*
goddamn i love turkey
yes, yes i do. we have this thing called a kamado in our backyard. no, it's not a dragon...although i'm not sure how to spell it (that's phonetic) correctly. japanese *shrugs*. either way, it's basically a grill, but it's made out of maybe...2-1/2 inch thick ceramic and built to allow much better air circulation than a normal grill. because you can control the air so well and the ceramic traps heat better than thin metal, you have lots of options to cook with :)
one of which being SMOKIN'. so every year my dad starts at like six in the morning or some ridiculous hour and proceeds to smoke the turkey all day. words can't begin to describe :) 23 pounds, $7.99. i don't get it. oh well, i'll eat it instead.
on another note, i picked a fight with wana (sea urchin) yesterday and lost miserably. i counted 19 holes in my foot...a few with spines broken off deep in the ball of my foot and the crook of my big toe. i was late for dinner 'cause i had to sit in the parking lot and tear my foot apart with a needle and tweezers...with little success. this morning it's all swollen...but looks clean. i think it's just the poison...and the fact that i probably have little spines broken off in my foot. FUN. did some reading..i should live :) well i already knew that but it's really uncomfortable...according to the reading, though, not much i can do but wait and see if it heals or gets infected...fun. don't think i'm playin' ultimate tomorrow morning...funny how what seems like a small injury can keep me from doing something like ultimate (which has the potential to hurt me a lot more, haha).
..the sun needs to come up before i go to work 'cause i have to take some pictures of an intersection so one'a my coworkers can draft some traffic control. interesting job i have, no?
for probably the first time in my life, i was really scared of sharks last night. brought my board to work 'cause i knew i'd be doing other shit for the rest of the week and wouldn't have much time to surf...and, as usual for the past two weeks at least, got stuck at work late. i watch the moon phases....it's full on wed/thurs (or at least close)....so the moon was bright, the sky was clear, and the wind was DEAD. so i said fuck it and went out. going out, three people were paddling in. got out there...and two guys caught their last wave in. then another guy out there chilled for a while and caught HIS last wave in before dark. left only one other guy out there who looked like he was a japanese tourist enjoying all he could of hawaii...he kept eating it pretty badly but kept at it. props.
either way...he eventually left too. of course what i have to add was that it was small (rare 3 footer) but just about as perfect as kaiser's get. the bowl would occasionally make a PERFECT 2 ft. barrel that i couldn't for the life of me pick out at all. the thing about kaiser's, rock piles and bowls is they all peel beautifully. superfast run for the shoulder...and with no wind it was just glassy. my board's a little to small for waves that small...so i got quite a workout....but goddamn it was pretty. i would've stayed out there all night if japanese dude hadn't bailed as well under a clear sky and near full moon as the sun cast its last bit of energy into a thin band of deep purple horizon...
first star only brings one thing to mind these days...
so there i am. alone in silence. bigass moon on my left, boat channel in the same direction....and my mind wandered to something that's been bothering me lately...what would happen if i really did get hurt? how would my life change? take a look at my hobbies...surf, ultimate, cars, guitar, typing (gibberish)...hell my WORK is on computers. what would i do without an arm? a leg? even less a FINGER!?
a rare moment that i choose the "possible risk" over the gauranteed fun (women excluded, jackass)...and i swam in. moon wasn't bright enough to see more than the difference between rock and sand (dark/light) and i was already imagining shadows undulating beneath me. it was also SUPER low tide (-.4 ft.) so cut my finger (cut my foot earlier) and got a rock/shell/chunk of coral lodged in the bottom of my board. fuck. one more repair....too bad i'm never home in daylight anymore.
*getting old*
bounce bounce bounce....that seems to be how my life goes....anytime i get something on my mind for more than few day sthat's what happens. i'm reminded of a darwinian theory of natural selection i learned in a summer program before 9th grade....to make it short...a good example is a grocery store check out line. if there's ONE line....it gets huge, and a second line opens up. darwin observed that in this situation, nature tends to overcompensate to the second line....and too many people switch from the first line to the second line. the retards who overcompensated realize they overcompensated and GO BACK to the first line....but overcompensate again. and so starts an endless cycle of overcompensation for any change in the system which, in the end, creates an equally inevitablye OSCILLATION in the machine that is the life we live in. the example darwin gave was wolves (i think) and rabbits...assuming the were the only predator and prey, respectively. start out with too many wolves...the rabbits almost all fuckin' die. wolves have no food...wolves die. rabbits procreate. lotsa rabbits...wolves procreate. fuck...too many wolves...rabbits die. rinse repeate. it's the tiny lag in ANY type of food cahine (even money!) that creates oscillations.
that turned out longer than i intended it to.
women...every week. oscillations. fuckin' sucks. "women" is the wrong word. more like "woman". 'no go' this week.
money...i want the bike....i dont' want the bike...i want the bike....i dont' want the bike. right now i want the bike.
the only decisions i ever make are on the rare whim. if i don't make a whimsical deciision then nothing ever changes from the ordinary.....
dawn on friday

i leave for work right around dawn most of the time (before if i can get my ass out of bed ontime). i take a scenic route around the southern cliffsides that usually takes only about two or three minutes longer but it's on a highway so i can avoid all the shitty residential roads and intersections.
This particular day i managed to get out pretty early and the sun was rising behind maui. In front of maui is moloka`i, which you can't even tell is there because of the light and my cameras shitty resolution (good enough for me). Moloka`i is pretty low lying, though. Maui has Haleakala, the taller mountain on the left. the picture does the sight only a small justice...beautiful.

generally against postin' aim shit...but this was good. especially since halloween has gotten MANY people referring to me as the devil more than once in a single night....
suzsaysaner: oh well. you can swing something; you're jess. king of bullshitting his way into getting people to do what he wants
suzsaysaner: and i mean that with affection, not maliciousness
pure generosity
been thinkin' about this a lot lately (get ready for geekdom), but traffic is the ultimate opportunity to offer pure generosity. to get to work at 8am, it takes me an hour and five minutes. i have a lot of time to think about it.
think about it. there is absolutely NO good deed on the highway that will help you. you have NO power to affect what's in front of you. everything you do to help others in traffic will only get you further back in line. maybe that's why people turn into somethin' else in traffic....
*sigh* i love hawaii.....

my dog killed a poor, poor bird. i heard him jumpin' up on the window sill, ran over there and saw this terrified bird clinging to the windowsill...but by the time i got outside beau was already chillin' with a guilty look on his face and this poor dead bird in his mouth.
not like he wanted to eat it or anything (he just likes killin' shit, heh) so i just put it in a ziploc bag and put 'er in the trash. poor thing.

fuckin' blog
so i just wrote a great post whining about my spectacular life. and i'm not gonna post it again.
in summary:
i stayed home all weekend (during the day, at least)
family problems that i'm not talkin' about
women problems (could be just me bein' an idiot again)
friend aloofness (drama queens spoil it for the rest)
money decisions (should i get a suzuki intruder 700?)
toy decisions (should i bu the bike before or after fixin' raimi?)
storm winds.
drinkin' at 4pm on a sunday.
i guess i do this every once in a while...huh....
fuck it. tomorrow's a new week.
*flicks bird to november*
joy riding
so i was cruisin' some old friends' blogs, forget who's but i clicked on their link to uptown local, my columbia university ultimate team (is there even anyone reading this shit who's NOT from columbia?). found this picture:

that's gabi.....and she's holding my beer (newcastle) AND my pareo.
guess what i was wearing under that pareo. *rolls eyes*.
ahh, the good ole days.
who's gabi cock teasin' these days anyway?
2-3 ft. ugly storm surf doubling up and closin' out on the left AND right with the sun already gone and the island flooding again in the BEST possible setup for a shark attack?
worth the 40 minute surf after work.
pauhana surf
ultimate league, challenging the current top team
couch crashin' at a friend's
dawn patrol at a remote secret surf spot 1/2 mile out to sea
dawn patrol somewhere else
katiepalooza (picnicish)
surf tong's
my life is just retarded right now :)
the planned
....so....i did everything on that list! all except the one 'unsure'. i realized that that post hadn't been published when i'd written it (notice the date)...oh well.
ridiculous weekend...more later. i have to go play...more ultimate. what's wrong with me?
oh, and i have to pick up a keg.