Burn it Off

my self-inflicted panopticon failed.


shoulda' woulda' coulda'

i shoulda' been a carpenter. and a mechanic. and a...and a...everything. i say it jokingly all the time, but i am, as they say, "easily amused; quickly bored." i like to know a little bit of everything but i get a little bored when it starts turning into knowing something by heart. doing house shit lately...i had as much fun building a small audio circuit as i did cutting down a 40ft. mango tree without destroying the house (and the neighbor's). i just like doing shit. anything i don' tknow or anything that poses a challenge, i wanna do it.

the obvious solution would be to pick something brutally complicated like particle physics or some shit so that i could spend my life doing it and never hit a wall...but then i look at that and think...why would i want to start in anyway?

i don't know what the fuck i want. BUT, happy to say that sitting on this new idea of studying natural energy has sat well (and grown!) for like a month now...so i think it's good for me. of course, only time will tell.

i'm in the process of fixing a few sections of gypsum board in the ceiling that shifted and started coming loose and falling (not dangerous...but ugly as hell). i put about 10 ft. of lumber in the attic to further support it. they did a funny thing and used these weak looking brackets to brace two boards together going the ENTIRE width of our house...with no further support and lengthwise, every board has the joint in the same place. i think what that created was a fissure in our ceiling structure that's allowing our house to bend a little as the earth moves (there's a hill behind our house). sooooo yeah, braced one over the living room with two 2x4's (which ironically aren't 2" by 4"...dumbasses) over the living room which is the biggest room so it has the furthest lengths of wood not supported by a wall. also put in a bunch of perpendicular supports to prevent twisting...which it looked like it was doing a little. aaaand of course, all these new boards gave me more places to secure the gypsum up into them so the gypsym slabs are solid as rock now. i just puttied the joints and taped 'em. gotta let 'em dry a day before i sand 'em and put a few more coats on (sanding in between) and then texture it and voila...hopefully nobody'll have to touch it for 20 years. unfortunately about 10 years a go my dad repaired it incorrectly and all that did was make more work for ME when his repair broke. had to sand like a 1/2" of plaster along the whole thing...my house is covered in white dust, it's great. i've inhaled a lotta shit and got a lotta shit in my eyes, too...fun. finally settled on swimming goggles and a full respirator. i look like a retard...with power tools.


not that you were really interested...


this is from spring league finals recently...i'd just won the spirit award for my team, the ugly purple people eaters....and part of my reward was that ginormous shot of tequila...glued to this big end table that someone created and named 'the schloup' (spelling tends to vary even though it's written on it). as i went up someone suggested i do the 'one hander' so i did, and they took this picture :) did i ever tell you i have a folder in my picture archives called 'narssicism'? i wonder if i bothered to check if that's spelled right before i named a folder that....oh well. too lazy right now. Posted by Hello



can't seem to stay drunk tonight, haha. what a bummer. the only drihnk i have ingredients for right now is a martini....and i don't actually LIKE martinis...they're just a quick way to get drunk and for some reason we keep ending up with gin in the house. *shrugs*. gave up and hit the rocky road instead.

raimi lives! everytime i don't drive'er for a while i forget how much oomph she has. goddamn that girl can move. just gotta' touch'er the right way and find that sweet spot. then BAM! to the moon.

as usual there's still lotsa work to be done on'er (like a gas leak at the moment, heh heh), but i can drive again. always nice. AND i can drive fast.

just leveled our 40ft. mango tree (40ft CUBE). took about six months but we finally did it. by 'we' i mean my mom was on the ground ready to call an ambulance if i fell out of the tree and impaled myself with the chainsaw. i am very cautious when i do shit like that...but at the same time i'm 40ft in the air swaying in the wind standing on a 3 inch branch with sharp rocks, cement, wooden fence spikes and a metal chickenwire fence below me. yay. we left one branch that we're oging to graph and take with us. that tree has the best mangos i've ever tasted. check my fotofinity page on the link at right...there's some "after" pics. forgot to take a before pic.

aaaand yeah. father's day. sad to say that it was perhaps my last.


i need some mixers for all thsi goddamn booze...and beer.

oh, and tell me if this is kosher. i bought rocky road ice cream because my mom doesn't like it. and she always eats my ice cream. so now she doesn't eat my ice cream. is that wrong? heh heh. she knows it, too :)

and i finally got my W-2's from columbia so i can do my taxes!!! lol, actually a lot less money on them than i thought there was...probably could've just ignored 'em.




had to be the LAST GODDAMN PART i was replacing that isn't correct. goddamnit. well...i suppose it would've been worse if it were the first one. either way, aaalmost everything's back in raimi...but my transmission mount is too tall. unfortunately 'energy suspension' made a wrong spec for my car...and i have to eat it 'cause i got it online (summitracing.com) and they don't do returns/refunds on online orders unless they sent the wrong part or it got busted in shipping or something. fuckers! i called and asked and the dude's like..."well that's energy suspension's advertisement, we're not the ones who said it would fit...". oh well.

soooo i'm gonna roll on over to the chevy dealer and (hopefully) pick up a new trans mount. i'll try carquest first...so far they've had every part i need. probably half an hour left.

and i was SOOOOOO psyched that i might be able to drive 'er tonight.




...was she making fun of me? i'm not sure.


so i was mostly useless today. picked up the LAST fuckin' tool i need to do my clutch job. amazing how a $3 tool can keep you grounded 'cause nobody fuckin' carries the goddamn thing anymore. seriously something you'll use once in a car's life...damnit. tomorrow, it's on. raimi may be roaring once again.

aaaand went for a surf in the afternoon. i actually haven't surfed in like two weeks...working at home reigns hell on my body (chopping trees, busting cement, hauling rocks and shovelling shit...i mean stuff) so i just haven't been in the mood to deal with the roaring winds that've been around lately. winds finally died (died!) to about 10-20mph gusts and i went out today to catch the tail end of this last swell. i must say..i'm kinda glad i took that time off. somehow it made me very conscious of my movements in a way i wasn't during the period when i laughed surfed. i guess taking a break from something can give you a new perspective on something you did subconsciously before...

apparently my subconscious wasn't doing a great job.

*pours another dink*

spent a lotta the weekend fixing the house. our ginormous mango tree is almost grounded...*sigh* poor thing. it's been good to us, but we let 'er grow way too big (roots are destroying things). BEST mangos i've ever tasted. we're gonna graph a branch before we leave to take with us. it grew from a graphed branch off an uncle's tree to begin with. seems only fit...

put one'a those bathroom ceiling fans in that sucks the air out of the bathroom and usually into a duct and out'a the house...but we just vent it up into the attic *shrugs* nobody lives up there, haha, they won't mind the smell. aaand as usual what shoudl've been a 1/2 hour job turned in a 2.5 hour job. fuckin' piece of shit screws. i get everything set up and start drilling in the mounting screws and the goddamn things strip COMPLETELY in a split second. pieces of shit...pisses me off. of course i found them in the garage so i have no idea who made them and don't know who to get mad at.


i hate when that happens. maybe i should just blame myself and get it over with. but yeah, so i have these screws halfway in and i'm too goddamn lazy to tap 'em and drill 'em out 'cause they're going to be up in the attic ANYWAY where nobody'll see them for 10 yeras anyway...so i cut the tops off of 'em with a cutting disc and hit the shit out of 'em to bend 'em sideways and crush them so they'll actually act like the mounting screws they were supposed to be. i feel sorry for the poor guy who has to try and take them out...i hope he doesn't come after me...*cringes*.

i actually enjoy fixing all this shit. growing up my dad sorta' taught me how to do a few things and i had a knack for it so i ended up installing everything. it's funny now that i'm replacing things that i'm getting pissed off at some of the things others have done to install things (of course i didn't do it). makes all these jobs that should be a simple replacement job a pretty much start-from-scratch job. i always believed in the 'do it once and do it right' mantra. too bad i was just pissed off at a set of screws in that last paragraph. haha...whatever, that thing is solid as fuck now and won't have to be touched in ten years.

on a lighter note, i found a perfect skeleton of a fullgrown rat (none'a this newyork size ratmonsters) up in the attic. very curious...completely clean (white, even), no rotten anything, clean fur laying all the way around it...almost neatly..and no smell. i imagine his friends ate him up...or the roaches and/or ants. i don't remember smelling anything *shrugs*. i tried to pick it up but it started breaking so i decided to deal with it later. i'm definitely gonna have to go back up there more than once in the coming weeks.

i'd forgotten how easy it is to babble.

gimme some material




do you ever look back on your life and try and figure out when you really started to understand yourself? or at least try to? i think i can nail it down to one of two 'possibles'...sort of. i think? maybe three.

when i was in elementary school (i wonder if any of you remember me talking about this a REALLY long time ago on burn it off) i was enormous pile of useless shit. the high point? i was good at math. and science. my report cards were hilarious. i'd get E's (excellent's) for everything except the 'social skills' section...because back then they actually gave a shit about their students' social lives. apparently after elementary school we don't need help with it anymore....

either way, my social skills section was full of S's (satisfactory's) and check-pluses and bullshit like that. to me, who got E's on everything (even english...but then it got hard in high school) it hurt me to see those. but i never did anything about it. i continued to chill at "the line" that we couldn't cross until recess was over watching all the other kids play soccor and swing on the swings and have dumb conversations about god knows what....oh...and i used to count (read: kill) ants. basically the line existed so that our poor teachers could have just a FEW minutes to chill out and not have to worry about a kid barging in with some dumb question they'd have to answer. it's too hard to try and change when people expect something of you...or i just don't know how to start. sooooo what i did was wait 'till i went to 'secondary school' (where DO they get these names)....7-8th grade. i went to a public elementary school and private schools after that. and this is where i think i first started to actively (as opposed to passively) caring about the big "who am i" bullshit that's plagued me for the rest of my life. i went into seventh grade telling myself i'm going to change, and the only reason i could stick with it was because nobody i'd be seeing would know i was 'changing'. they'd just be meeting the new me without ever knowing the old me.

and that was my first big change in life. up until then i think i really did do whatever i felt like. 'whatever i liked' did include what i thought would be accepted around me, of course. i didn't "feel like" terrorizing my teachers or my peers because i knew that would be frowned upon. somewhere in my development i at least realized that. where? i don't know. thinking about it now, i think i wanted to have as much fun as i could without bothering other people. i wasn't malicious or anything back then ('cause i am now) but somehow...i felt like they were better off without me in their lives. i had a few good friends. none of them lasted, though. i played baseball for seven years...but i can't remember a single time i 'hung out with the boys' unless it was after practice or after a game on the fields. i did...very few times...but it was still mostly baseball functions. birthday parties or a coaches party or something. in school i'd make friends with the kids who lived near me. i can remember only a few offhand. three to be exact. good friends...but in the end, when we didn't go to school again...we just parted our own seperate ways without a word. i wonder sometimes where they are and how they are when i pass by their houses (i just remembered a fourth good friend).

it always kind of bothered me...but the few times i actually tried halfheartedly to make something happen and approach someone to hang out...it usually turned into an embarrassing moment further supporting my usual aim to not bother people. buuuut when i left elementary school (kamiloiki elementary) and went to kamehameha for seventh grade...i decided i wanted friends. i wanted to talk to people. i wanted to learn from people. i guess my own mundane thoughts were getting boring or something. and i remember very well my first day of school at kamehameha....my first class was intermediate band...and i said hi to the first person who sat next to me...or...actually...near me. his name was alika and he ended up being my best friend for a long time...later we realized we ahd extremely different views about very basic things and although we had our fights, we remained friends. not best friends, but we were always friends. first friend i had that i could call up in twenty years and have a good conversation with. seriously, before that...it's like it's lost.

i made a few good friends and a boat load of 'acquaintences'...but i think after i made a few good friends i stopped again. i guess everyone does that to some extent (except the real social butterflies who have to be everyone's best friend...they creep me out). you find your little group, your niche, your pack, your crew...and you stop trying to branch out. i suppose there's a small backdoor open but for the most part, at some point your happy and you don't actively search for new friends or introduce yourself to a new face. and i did. i found my pack mostly in the band...6 years at kamehameha...but also in other 'geek squads' of mine (math team, physics team, chess club, economics team....). it's interesting meeting some of the poeple who were outside of my crew. all the people i didn't let into my life (or ask to be in my life) who were so interesting and i think about all they could've offered me...but i found my crew and closed off the rest of the world. a few friends were all i needed. after that i drifted into my old self doing "whatever i felt like" and basically staying out of other peoples' way. part of me thinks i couldn't handle more than a few friends. like a few friends is as far as my...base personality or inherent being is capable of handling. senior year in high school i "re-met" so many people who i'd known for SIX YEARS and realized the kinds of things i missed. haha...hell, just hearing the amount of girls who'd had crushes on me could be a life changing experience. of course i only found this out senior year...when we were all about to embark on our own bumpy journies further into the world. just one of those girls could've changed my life forever had i not pushed them away. i had one girlfriend in high school...my frist girlfriend. and SHE pushed ME away. i don't think i desired any kind of social attention from anyone in high school until her. until her...i could get it if i wanted it. which usually i didn't. after her, i started opening up more and making myself more vulnerable to see what people really thought.

towards the end of our relatinhsip i was an open book to her. i would write her letters pouring out EVERYTHING that was on my mind...pure truth...or at least whatever it was that i thought was the truth in my head back then. later, looking back, i've rethought them and realize how dumb some of them were (young!)...but at the time they were truths. and i only let the deepest ones out when i had nothing to lose. when i was convinced she was lost. when i was convinced we could never be friends again. when i was convinced she didn't want me. and you know what? it felt good. it felt good to put it out there. it felt good to force her to make a decision and stop beating around the bush. it felt good stand up and watch a bridge burn as i forced a girl who used to be one'a my best friends to light it herself. i could've let it go. i could've swallowed it. i could've done the "let's be friends" shit but it would've slowly been eating at me every moment it continued. one letter i wrote...the last letter....was do or die. she would either have to confront me and work things out...or we would forever be awkward together.

she didn't confront it. and i lost a best friend. and i grew some balls.

she found me at college through a friend and called me my freshmen year. we talked...shits and giggles. i got drunk sometime afterwards and wrote her an email telling her i didn't want to talk to her. we didn't talk for a full year 'till i finally wrote her back. emailed. much to my surprise she called me within like...an hour. she felt horrible for what she'd done to me and didn't feel like an emial justified it so she called. we spent forever apologizing back and forth about all the stupid shit we'd done...and since then every few years or so (it feels so weird to say that at only 22 years old) we'll make contact somehow...but the fact remains.

i lost a best friend.

it hurt me to think that the truth could do that. that such a simple thing as THE TRUTH could destroy something i held so dear. that someone whom i'd thought was so strong could be broken down by a simple truth. i was a very angry person after that. my friends know it. for the first time in my life i experienced being depressed. where the simple things in life which i'd usually enjoyed turned sour or bland and pure sloth seemed more enjoyable.

it came at a good time because i was presented with another opportunity to change. college.

i have to be honest with you...a lot of the last half of this blog (assuming i don't write too much more) has been a drunken 'realization' that i've just thought up that i've connected to a bigger thing (my honesty). i never considered where i developed my shamelessness...but i think it was with her. lindsay. she made me stronger. she made me harder. and...unfortunately, she made me darker. but i think the world is dark. i'm more apt to deal with the world when i take a step down and peer below the surface, take a trip through the cellar door, and explore the ideals most people are either afraid or disgusted to consider. this way...beauty is more beautiful...joy is more enjoyable.....and hate is more acceptable.

that was long.

i haven't drank this much alone in a long time.

that might be why.

open up.



you're right krischelle, i don't post nearly enough...

and right now my hands hurt so much i barely CAN type. yesterday i was having trouble holding a fork trying to eat lunch (eggs, rice, furikake and shoyu)and kept dropping shit on the floor. i'm amused at how little i normally use my hands such that a few days straight of heavy yardwork (including busting a sidewalk with a sledgehammer and balancing 20ft. up in a mango tree with a pole saw) can make my hands, forearms and shoulders so WEAK. i gotta start mixin' up the jobs some...maybe do heavy work like every other day or just a few hours a day or something.

oh well. it's good for the soul (and the wallet, haha, mom's paying me to fix the house).

just took a blow to the credit card...ordered the more expensive parts for this new raimifix. i decided that if i'm going to do it, i'm gonna do it goddamn RIGHT. unfortunately that means replacing a lot of shady parts that are impossible to get to under normal circumstances....but since i have my car in pieces already, i might as well bite the bullet, spend the money, and do it right. gettin' an aftermarket clutch, too. a Hays street clutch...cost a pretty penny but i hear it's a powerful little thing, definitely outperforms normal clutches...and has the potential to be the last clutch this car needs...so it made sense to spend the money. beyond that, all these little pieces seem to have added up to a fortune. ugh. be psyched to get 'er back together again, though. better than before!

oh and i nailed my thumb with a hammer yesterday...TWICE. that bitch hurts.

gonna go on a bellhousing hunt tomorrow. one guy said he might be able to fix mine...so i'm gonna go talk to him. another guy said he has one THINKS might fit...so i'm gonna go talk to HIM. this is going to be interesting jumping on a bus with a flywheel and a bellhousing...heavy shit. i have to get the flywheel resurfaced...well, not HAVE to, but it's what you do when you put in a new clutch.

enough about the car.

was researching knee injuries and i'm pretty sure it's the medial meniscus in my right knee. 2-3 weeks rest (already passed 2 weeks on saturday) and strengthening/stretching. should be fine. i can tell it's weak but that could also be because i've stayed off it lately. and my calf is tight because of probably the same reason...bah. such a pain in the ass when you wanna run and you can feel a muscle just begging you to stop (threatening cramping). fuckin' bitchass muscles.

i like my life.

for now......

hit me



wow...i need to blog more :)

i actually hda to go back and read what i'd last written...that's rare. either way, i DID get up the courage, and i did in fact decline that job. up shit creek without a paddle, as they say. haha.

so the plan is (most likely) work nearly everyday here at home to clean up/fix up the house and get it ready to start being shown. my mom was guessing a 1 month timetable...but that's not gonna happen. in a month we'll be close, but there're just too many little things to be done. we will have to hire pros for a few things as well and that's not something that gets done overnight.

so, maybe after that month or so i'll pick up a parttime job someplace for a few months. if the house goes REALLY well i might look into taking some classes at UH...maybe start up on EE or just take something to get my mind working again. i'm finally in the red...like...no money. this repair bill is going on the credit card...fuck. i've been doing a really good job of using money instead of credit...oh well. my mom's paying me to work at home and she's offered to help me out....

aaaand then yeah, grad school in the spring, most likely.

so weird being able to make these decisions...used to be like..."you're going to school, where do you want go?" then "you're going to college, where do you want to go?" then "bye bye...you do it."

okey, i go.